The first Boeing 747 with all those airline logos -- how many do you recognize?

The first Boeing 747 with all those airline logos -- how many do you recognize. Click for larger. Photo by Boeing.

September 30th marked the anniversary when the very first Boeing 747 (called the City of Everett) was rolled out of Boeing’s hangars. Since then, it has been a legend and still is my favorite airliner. The Boeing 747 started flying for PanAm in 1970 and the new variant, the Boeing 747-8 should be delivered during the middle of next year. This means the Boeing 747 should continue to be flying well into the future.

Boeing kindly shared via Twitter a photo of the first roll out. It is interesting to take a look at the airline logos on the aircraft and how many are no longer with us and there are some still flying Boeing 747’s. The first Boeing 747 is still alive and well, hanging out at the Museum of Flight in Seattle.

So, without looking it up in Google, how many airline logos can you recognize? It is not really a competition, but let’s do some teamwork to figure them all out. If you know some, list them in the comments and hopefully we can get them all. Off the top of my head I know 18 of the 27 that are there. SEE LARGER VERSION.

Thanks @skhwang for point this out!

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
Checking Out the Upper Deck of a United Airlines Boeing 747-400

Not sure on most (recognise BOAC, KLM and Aer Lingus) but here’s an interesting one- of the airlines that still exist, is KLM the only one on there who have not altered or completely changed their logo?

lufthansa, delta, air canada, klm, pan am, eastern, united, qantas, twa. I feel so weak only getting 9 of 27.

aer lingus and continental

Delta, Air France, Lufthansa, Pan Am, Japan Airlines, TWA, Continental, Aer Lingus, KLM, Qantas, Braniff, Air Canada, BOAC, World Airways, Eastern, United and AA.

Chris J

Top Row: Delta, Eastern, Air India, National, World, United, American, Air France, BOAC, Lufthansa.

Bottom: ?,?,?, Air Canada, ?, Braniff, SAS, ?, Qantas, KLM, Aer Lingus, ? Northwest (Orient), Continental, TWA, Japan AirLines, Pan Am.

just figured out another.
Bottom row: ?, ?, South African Airways, Air Canada, ?, Braniff, SAS, Qantas, KLM, Aer Lingus, ? Northwest (Orient), Continental, TWA, Japan Airlines, Pan Am.

Good lord, I need to find better things to do today.
Bottom: ?,?, South African Airways, Air Canada, ?, Braniff, SAS, Swissair, Qantas, KLM, Aer Lingus, Alitalia, Northwest (Orient), Continental, TWA, Japan Airlines, Pan Am.

gaack…clearly these weren’t off the top of my head, but I think it is done.

Top Row: Delta, Eastern, Air India, National, World, United, American, Air France, BOAC, Lufthansa.

Bottom: Sabena, Iberia, South African Airways, Air Canada, El Al, Braniff, SAS, Swissair, Qantas, KLM, Aer Lingus, Alitalia, Northwest (Orient), Continental, TWA, Japan Airlines, Pan Am.

That would have made a great trivia question if all the geniuses hadn’t answered it ahead of time! 🙂

Somewhere, there’s a branding specialist bawling his eyes out wishing they could create a logo/ brand with this kind of recognition and staying power. Correct me if I’m wrong, but only 9-10 of the 27 airlines are still around, but we all seem to recognize the old logos. Maybe that’s more due to us being avgeeks than the staying power of the branding.

Front row from right to the bottom of the fourth signal which airline logo

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