Winglet to winglet on Southwest Airlines

Winglet to winglet on Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines will now charge $25 for an unaccompanied minor and $25 for overweight or a third piece of luggage. They will also allow pets to fly and will charge a “pet fare” of $75. Up until last fall Southwest did not post a loss in 17 years, but it has had to post losses for the past three quarters, mostly due to their locked in fuel prices.

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly stated, “We truly believe in setting the right customer expectation and not charging for those amenities that a customer would ‘expect’ to get for free.” He also points out that all other major airlines in the US already charge these fees.

Although it might be disappointing that Southwest is adding some minor fees, I think it can be understandable in the given airline industry climate.

Source: Baltimore Sun Image: Rob Speed

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
Two Off-Duty Cops Take Down a Passenger

argh. what about the people who are allergic to pets? this just doesn’t seem worth it to me. i mean i personally don’t care so much since i am not allergic, but others might.


SW has held out a long time, but I have to agree that if you want “extras”, you should pay for them. The whole airline industry was changed so much since deregulation. People want cheap fares. You can’t have it both ways!


Duece can fly with me??? Like on the seat next to me? Totally awesome. My only complaint is those yappy little dogs like I had on my last 6 hour flight… seriously, two small yappy dogs in the middle of the plane yapping the entire way. NOT worth it.

Tony Y

It’s about that time when Southwest started charging fees. I saw the cnbc special on week in the life of American Airlines which was very interesting and they discussed the locked gas prices southwest had, good info on your blog though. They will have to pull their no fee commercials as they are joing the crowd. I like the fact my dogs can join me in a trip to vega now through southwest, though I don’t see that as a major selling point.

Thank you ever so for you post.Much thanks again. Want more.

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