This Boeing 747 is parked outside the Future of Flight. Image is used by permission from the Future of Flight.
Trying to read airline news now, all I see is “terrorist”, “security”, and “TSA.” Trying to do something a little lighter.
This Boeing 747 is parked outside the Future of Flight in Everett, WA. Notice anything strange with the aircraft? Any idea who might own the aircraft?
The Strato Deck (all the people on the roof) is where I caught the Boeing 787 taxi tests and the Boeing 787 first flight.
So can you spot what is odd with this 747?
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Oh I know…it’s so tempting to spill it, but I’ll hold off. It was parked there on my first visit to FoF in 2007.
Okay, I can’t handle the suspense. What the heck is different Jon?
I give up. What’s funky?
RR Trent 1000 testbed aircraft?
One engine is larger than the others. Is this the Pratt & Whitney (P&W) geared turbofan being tested on the 747?
#2 engine?
Scratch that. Is it the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 being tested ahead of first flight on the 787?
Yeah, I noticed the oversized engine without even going to the larger photo. Since P&W does its engine testing with a 747SP, that narrowed the field of which 747 this could be. This appears to be the plane in question… http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2007/06/19/214894/paris-2007-rolls-royce-flies-boeing-787s-trent-1000-engine-on-747.html
Ian, thanks for link with other pictures
That was ages ago, get out of the house and do some reporting.
yea … july 2007