SUCCESS! The plane was AMAZING taking off. Above is my video of the event. Everyone was cheering as the 787 flew over us. It will conduct 5hrs of tests and then land south down at Boeing field in Renton, WA. It was wonderful to be a part of this event, thank you to the Future of Flight for having me.

Other media:
* All my Flickr pictures
* Follow the first flight on Flight Aware
* Watch the take off on KIRO7
* Watch it on KING5
* FlightBlogger video
* Good rundown of this morning and the test flight via Aviation Week
* Seattle PI photo gallery
* Air to air photos by Boeing
* Air to air video via KING5

UPDATE 12:37pm: Boeing is reporting that the first flight will end early, landing at Boeing Field at 1pm. No official word from Boeing why the flight is ending early, but Boeing said they might end early. Could be weather, it has gotten much worse since liftoff.

UPDATE 1:03pm: Boeing is stating the flight is ending early because of weather, no problems with the plane. Boeing, Flight Blogger and KIRO will be covering the landing live.

UPDATE 2:38pm: Been watching the live news conference (I stayed up north and didn’t go down to the landing) via Boeing’s website. These pilots are awesome. They said the flight went perfect and can’t wait to get in the air again!

UPDATE nextday: I have had a lot of people ask “why should I care?” I answered that question with a new blog.

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
Why Does the Boeing 787 Matter?

Thanks for posting this – truly history in the making, eh? What a beautiful sight 🙂

Thanks for filming and posting that! Gave me goosebumps and almost teared up too!

Superb. Well done from Britain

Great video!
Are you going to Boeing Field to watch it land?

Congratulations to all the Boeing Family.

Future A350 builders celebrates this moment and take good note for the future 🙂

we really have a very hard work to do for superate this.

Good job!!!

What are the figures on this plane? Like 25% less operating costs, and like 30% fuel efficiency improvement?

Nice video! Good job!

Impressive. Think you can do better? Here’s how you can build your own airplane in 26 easy steps: Tictacdo – keep a close eye on the competition Boeing 😉 Puns aside, this is an incredible piece of machinery and the fuel consumption is fantastic. I’ll certainly feel less guilty about flying in this beauty.

Absolutely magnificent! Great video – great plane! Love to hear more about planned routes and who purchased the first 10….Thanks for posting David….thanks for building it Boeing!

Congratulations to Boeing! Great moments added to the history of flight. If not for the delays it would ‘ve been in the commercial routes a couple of years ago…Composite materials used may need lots of thorough turn-around checks and modifications in due course of time. Materials science too has reasons to celebrate!

Murali, Nemom, Trivandrum

Congratulations to Boeing! Great moments added to the history of flight. If not for the delays it would ve been in the commercial routes a couple of years ago…Composite materials used may need lots of thorough turn-around checks and modifications in due course of time. Materials science too has reasons to celebrate!

I wonder if the better fuel consumptions will translate into cheaper tickets…


Я не рад, что попал на этот сайт( Дизайн – отстой, функционала – никакого, активность – минимальная.
Почему бы вам не закрыться?
Уж извините за критику.. но это так.

Жилье в Судаке Недвижимость Судака Частный сектор!

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