Frischling is looking for some support. You can order one of these stickers by clicking on the photo or link in this blog
I got pretty obsessed with watching how the TSA subpoena story played out, I felt it was an important story and I am glad it got covered. I am working on a blog with a few people to talk about the power of Twitter with this story, but for now I just want to keep you updated.
The great news is the TSA backed down and withdrew the subpoena demanding Chris Elliott and Steven Frischling (FlyingWithFish) turn over any documents related to the TSA Directive 1544-09-06. What a great way to start a New Year!
If you were interested in this story too or have found that FlyingWithFish to have a pretty sweet blog, you can help! While the TSA had his laptop, the hard drive got errors. He is working to have them pay for the damages, but will need to pay someone to recover his files. Go to his website to order a cool FlyingWithFish sticker or just to donate some money. Chris Elliott also seeked counceal and needs needs our help. You can help Elliott via his website.
Additional information:
* Support Frischling (FlyingWithFish) by purchasing a Fish sticker!
* Elliott thanks all his supporters and still has kind words for the TSA agent that came to his house
* Frischling is happy that this seems to be over
* Judith Miller (who spent 85 days in jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury investigating a source) talks about the TSA withdrawing their subpoena
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This is just what us bloggers would have needed, the government telling us what we can and can not publish on our blogs. I find it ironic how quickly TSA dropped the idea of Subpoenas.