Southwest Airline's pilot hands out pizza. Awesome!

Southwest Airline's pilot hands out pizza. Awesome!

With all this talk about how airlines treat passengers horribly when they are stranded, good news comes from Southwest Airlines — which earns them an Awesome Medal!

A Southwest flight from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Denver, CO ran into some stormy weather and had to be diverted to Pueblo, CO. Anyone who has been on a diverted flight, knows it is not a fun experience.  But in this instance, the crew stepped up and got the passengers pizza.

I spoke with Chris Mainz, with Southwest, about this unique customer service experience. He pointed out that Pueblo is not an airport usually served by Southwest and it was a team effort between the flight crew and airport personal. I asked if Southwest had any policies regarding what the flight crew should do in these instances and he told me there are no written rules or policies and Southwest trusts their employees to do what is right.

You always hear people complaining about losing the “good ‘ol days of flying,” but dang, I don’t even think airlines of yesteryear did this.

Cheers to the flight crew, Southwest Airlines, and the Pueblo Memorial Airport  for providing this awesome service. This proves you still can have low fares and amazing (I didn’t want to use “awesome” again) customer service!

Source: WSBTV Orig Image: James Mino via WSBTV

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
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Wow, while I know it is not common practice it is cool to see when something good like this happens. Good job Southwest.

Rebecca Ross

WOW! I work for SWA so I KNOW we are AWESOME, but this is AWESOME x 100! Really great job!

Hey Rebecca!

Well be sure to share with your co-workers so they know where the bar has been set 🙂

I love your use of “AWESOME” btw!



I personaly know this pilot in the picture. He is a good friend of mine, and one hell of a Captain.. It was his idea to get these pizzas.. what a great man he is.. Good job Tom

Hey Aaron!

Capt’n Tom does rock!

When I was talking to Southwest on the phone I kept saying, “but it is amazing that the crew ordered pizza, but this photo has the CAPTAIN handing it out, not the flight attendants…” I think SWA is very proud of their actions.

Hope you send Tom this blog! He deserves to be famous 🙂



It was my brother who asked about getting pizza delivered on this very delayed flight. There were several women who were pregnant on this flight, & this was Mike’s concern. From what I understand, it was my brothers cell phone & the pilots credit card to get the pizza!!

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