The old and new combined livery for Continental and United Airlines
When United and Continental announced their new combined livery, a lot of people were not happy about the font used for “United.” Well, they must have heard, b/c they have changed the font and I like it!
From their merger site: “The new logo displays the combined company’s brand name in capital letters (UNITED) in a custom sans-serif font, joined with the global mark which has represented Continental’s brand image since 1991.”
This doesn’t help those that will miss the United tulip, but I think this is a good compromise for both brands.
Unfortunately, I still think this hybrid livery is ugly.
Why not spend some money to revamp the logo?
There is a lot of history with both names. I do not envy the people who had to make the decision of which parts of each company survive and which do not. They will be spending quite a bit of money as it is and I am sure they didn’t want to spend too much more.
I think this is just interim branding to save money and to pacify shareholders and employees. Most likely there will be a complete revamp in a few years.
Too much money being spent on the merger itself. I for one, am glad to see the tulip go. It has become a symbol of sub-par service, particularly to passengers not holding any status. Lets hope that despite keeping the Untied name, that Continental people are running the show after the merger.
Hey Chris!
I think a lot of people share your opinion about UAL. I am actually heading down to LAX today to take a look at some of the things United does for its passengers and learn a bit more about their future. I don’t think they like the idea of being considered “lower” than Continental in service and want to change that image.
Well Chris, you get your wish. I disagree about UA being sub-par, but I will say that Continental catered to leisure travelers and United to business travelers. And as crappy as this merger has been just remember that 90% of the top management is former CO. This crack management team spent a fortune on union-bashing, forcing (almost) employees into submission, and giving themselves some really great bonuses instead of negotiating in good faith with their unions, providing employees and customers with a computer system that could handle the job, or even training or briefing all of the work groups on what the new way of doing business would be. Big business does this every day–right down to the last Twinkie. Please be wise next time you hope for something, because apparently your soft, unformed wish came true!
I think that its great that their merging, but I, like many others, think that Continental’s service is on a whole different level than United’s. That said, I encourage United to try to improve their service offering, and I think Continental is a good airline to help them with achieving that goal.
However, this new livery looks awkward (IMO), like its the white elephant in the room. I thought the initial livery mockup was strange because of United’s weird typeface almost clashed with the fluid of the Continental globe. Even though the font changed, I still think this livery is awkward. Its as if United is putting their name on the Continental brand and service, and I think its sad because when I look at that 787, it still says to me “Continental” even though the name on the side is “United.”
I think they should bring back the ’70s Saul Bass Jetstream logo that Continental had and flip it around (http://subjectiveobject.com/2010/05/04/it“s-merged-but-is-it-united/) like the mockup at the bottom of that page. I think it brings a uniqueness and keeps parts of the Continental and United brands in place without being outwardly so “Continental.”
That was kind of long, so I apologize!
I’m still not sold on the new design. I think they’re trying too hard to keep the Continental scheme. You’re a new company, why not come out with a new design that incorporates both logos?
The United titles are more square which is what seems to be happening in the advertising world. The NFL changed their logo around 2 years ago to a more “squared/blocked” shape. They felt it would show better in the internet medium. A lot of designs/logos are changing to make them more noticeable via the internet and social media.
Re David,
I really endorse that United’s notorious products and services must go and that Continental Airlines’ winning way must be adopted.
If revamping the entire 3-class product offering means a whole new reputation and customer loyalty, wouldn’t spending millions of dollars be worthwhile?
If the Premium Economy Class were to be launched to cope with the ever increasing price elasticity of demand, particularly so in the US, the new United may become a leader among its peers.
Wouldn’t these advantages outweigh the cost and yield long-term, strategic benefits?
To me, the tulip logo is an icon of american aviation –and United has done such a great job cementing its corporate image that you really cannot perserve United without it and Rhapsody. In effect, this new airline will be United in name only, which I find disappointing. Say what you will, but United has been pretty innovative over the years. They are the only large international US airline with Economy Plus seating throughout their fleet and at an affordable rate. They also have kept the tradition of 3 class service for their long haul flights. Their p.s. transcon service is unique in its class. To be honest, I’m not looking forward to flying 737s on coast to coast flights, which is a habit that Continental has.
I think the United logo had more brand recognition. The “new” United branding seems to be a quick and dirty design, doesn’t really show much creative effort, it’s kind of lame actually.
It’s not going to be United without the tulip!
Mein Still ist: Geh immer 25% schneller wie der rest – in fast allen Lebenslagen!
Yes this is definetely going to be an interesting change. At least neither airline is really going away.
United Airlines Virutal
I am appalled that an agency was paid to deliver this short-sided concept. Looks like a shareholder from each company were shut in a room to design it. This could have been an amazing opportunity for the company to step forward with an inspirational brand evolution in the airline industry, but instead it comes across as design by diplomacy – the ultimate inspiration killer. Combined diluted brand equity of 2 companies does not make a stronger one. A sad waste of thousands of gallons of paint. I think it is fair to say that it is any designers dream to see their work on an airplane – what a shame.
In my opinion the new United livery is excellent. I just travelled through IAH and the newly painted planes look fantastic!
Good info over again! I am looking forward for more updates;)
I think that UAL should have just brought back that BEAUTIFUL Bookman Swash font they used in the early ’70s. “Fly the Friendly Skies of United”