Both United and Continental have interesting pasts
This is almost a guest post once removed. Dan Webb over on his blog Things in the Sky had a guest post from his friend Court who made a wonderful graphic showing the histories of both United and Continental Airlines. We are still waiting to hear the final word on the merger, but I expect it to be approved and the airlines will both move forward. Before that happens, let’s first take a little look back at where both airlines earned their wings (sorry I couldn’t help it).
Check out Dan’s blog to read more and see a larger version of the image.
..does he have one on the DL/NW merger as well?
Delta actually did theirs first, which is what gave me the idea, which is a nice way of saying I stole their idea.
Dang you are on top of things 🙂
My ears were ringing 😉
hi, is there a way you can email me a larger version of the image. Its actually really cool.
Both well-versed in Ch 11 proceedings.
Varney Airlines, which was bought by William Boeing after he founded Boeing Air Transport, is missing from the graphic.
Is there a better resolution of this timeline? It would assist me greatly if I could see the words better.