The photoshopped United Airlines Boeing 747-400 in new livery on the left and original photo on the right. Click for larger version.
So, the photo of the Boeing 747-400 in the new United livery I posted last week is a fake. I apologize, since I didn’t know it when I posted it, but does it matter? It is still cool looking. You awesome airline geeks realized it because the engines were wrong. United flies Pratt and Whitney engines and these engines are GE. Nice catch! The creator of the image, Mark B, wrote to me and confirmed that he did in fact used a photo of an Air Canada Boeing 747-400 to make his photo. He also shared two others of an Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner that I wanted to share as well.

What a United Airline Airbus A380 might look like in the new United Livery. Click for larger version.
In the comments of my last United livery post and around the internets I keep seeing people hating on the new United livery. I really dis-liked it too when I first saw it, but it is starting to grow on me. Yes, like most of you I would have rather seen a brand new livery, but I understand why they kept the United name, along with the Continental colors.

Even though I am not in love with the new United livery, I really like it on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Click for larger version.
I think it is odd for us airline geeks to see the Continental colors with the United name. No matter what decisions they would have made, people weren’t going to be happy. Both airlines have amazing histories, something was going to have to be lost for both. I am just looking forward to a United retro livery shown on this Boeing 747-400.
Original Photo Credits:
Boeing 747: Bailey
Airbus A380: FishAir
Boeing 787: Boeing
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com
Southwest Airlines Announces $5 Wi-Fi on Their Flights
It was fun and two of the three will be here soon enough, but what about the third…or maybe that beautiful 747-800?
This guy has some mad skills! I am starting to like it, especially after seeing it on the A380.
I really think they will be coming out with a new livery pretty soon here. They aren’t repainting any of the United planes (as far as I know), even as some of them go in for the new interior. It wouldn’t surprise me if few or no United planes get repainted by customer day one, and they are just repainting the Continental planes to put the United name on and get some name consistency across the fleet. Hopefully they will have a few dollars to spare to make a somewhat decent livery next time around (which hopefully is not too far away).