Three years is a long time, but I can keep on going.

Three years is a long time, but I can keep on going.

Three years ago today I made my first (and totally amazing) post — a lot has changed since then. It has been an unbelievable three years, but not without its challenges. Over the past three years I have also worked a “real” job and juggled personal life, work and the blog — but it has been worth it.

I have felt privileged to have been given so many rad opportunities and the ability to share them with you fine folks.

To celebrate the birthday of the blog, I want to SEND YOU FREE STICKERS. All you need to do is email me your mailing address to da***@ai*************.com (do not worry, won’t do anything with you address, but mail stickers) and I will sending you some AirlineReporter.com stickers as a thank you for reading the blog.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com

UPDATED: FAA Taxes Go Away: Which Airlines are Passing the Savings to Customers?

Congrats on your milestone. I’m a relative newcomer, but I really enjoy you taking us beyond the airports, airlines and aircraft. You have indeed had some amazing opportunities. It’s definitely given me a new perspective on air travel, and the hope that I will some day get to do some of those things.


Hey Mark,

I am glad you are liking it. I enjoy creating the content!


John D

Happy Birthday! I just found this blog a few months ago, and I always look forward to the next post. Thank you for your efforts

Thanks John! Well I think the content keeps getting better, so fasten your seat belts πŸ™‚



Many congratulations! I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and wish you many more years of aviation coverage..


Thanks Yvette for your comments and your help on a few Livery of the Week blogs πŸ™‚


Congrats! Hope to read many more interesting articles on your page in the future!

Well, I hope to deliver πŸ™‚



Happy Birthday!
You’re so cute at three!

I do what I can πŸ™‚


Happy Birthday!!!!

Mark M

Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading your blog everyday, I would be honored to display your sticker

Happy Birthday

Send me a photo or two of the sticker in fun (and legal) places πŸ™‚


Happy Belated Birthday! You have created an excellent site. Keep up the great work!

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