Want to catch a ride in this BAC-111 (N999BW)? You can!

Want to catch a ride in this BAC-111 (N999BW)? You can!

Ah, the good ‘ol days of flying. With loud aircraft that sucked one heck a lot of fuel. For the true airline geek, who cares about either of those? If you are looking for a unique opportunity that doesn’t come along often and you have $880.00 burning a hole in your pocket, do I have some information for you. I caught on Brett Snyder’s Cranky Flier blog that one young gentleman is not just talking the talk, but he is also walking the walk of bringing a classic airliner experience to fruition.

Recently, Classic Jet Tours was created to give aviation fans a chance to get a ride on classic, but FAA-certified aircraft. From their Facebook page, they explain the tours, “consist not only of the flights themselves, but also allow our customers to walk around the aircraft on the ramp, visit the cockpit, talk with the pilots, and socialize with like-minded aviation buffs.”

In August 27th, they are offering a flight on a BAC-111. The tour will start at 9:30am from Dallas Love Field and the flight will last two hours. There are only eight BAC One-Elevens that remain in service around the world, so there won’t be too many opportunities left. The aircraft in question, N999BW, is in executive configuration and ready to give a true VIP experience. The cost might be a little steep for most (including myself), but it has to be worth it to a true BAC-111 fan.

You can find more information, see photos and register for the flight at their website. I wish them the best of luck and hope to see more opportunities like this in the future.

Image: Liembo

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com

Blog Lite This Week: Hanging with Singapore Airlines

Man oh man, I remember riding one of Pacific Express jets from Boise to Portland to Medford to San Francisco to Fresno. I took my own paper bag lunch with me. I loved it!

That would be a cool experience, but considering that I can fly to Madrid for $880, I’m going to save my money for another time. Hope a diehard #avgeek gets to experience it, though!

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