Virgin America Airbus A320 named "Runway Angel." You can name your own aircraft if you have a space $60k.

Virgin America Airbus A320 named "Runway Angel." You can name your own aircraft if you have a spare $60k.

If you have an extra $60,000.00 burning a hole in your pocket, Virgin America has a unique holiday gift idea for you. For that amount of money, not only can you have an Airbus A320-family aircraft named whatever you want, but you and 145 of your friends can get a flight to anywhere Virgin America flies.

“We did it as part of a partnership with Gilt – as a pretty unique, once-in-a-lifetime item for their holiday gift list.” Abby Lunardini, Vice President of Corporate Communications for Virgin America explained to via email. “You may recall that we teamed up with them a few months back as well for Gilt packs (packs of Main Cabin Select seats that sold out in a flash).”

Even though you can name the aircraft, I am going to guess there might be some restrictions. I am guessing that “I Love United Airlines” wouldn’t fly, but my choice of “ Express” would be accepted. Even though you get a charter flight with 144 of your closest friends, you might not be able to fly on the plane with your name on it for the special flight.

if you are a person of means who is planning to get this special gift and looking to bring a fun blogger with you to document your adventure… I am your man.

To learn more and place your order, check out Gilt City.

Image by: Liem

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
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Interesting but a quick exchange rate question. Is a space $60K more or less than an earth $60K 😉

Took me a while where you were getting that 🙂

But now fixed.



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