On the left is your last generation American Airlines livery. In the middle is the retro Astrojet livery (N951AA) and on the right is American’s new livery (N908NN). Photo by Joe Statz / JetPhoto.net
Joe Statz grabbed this picture of three liveries of American Airlines all lined up at Dallas Forth Worth International Airport (DFW) and was willing to share it with all of us to enjoy.
Yes. The Astrojet is an amazingly retro design, but I don’t think a fleet made to look like that today would go over too well. I think that the last American Airlines livery will also start to look more retro and classic, but again, is not a design made for 2013. I still think the new livery is surely not an evolution, but a revolution. I still like it.
Terrific photo. I agree that, as wonderful as the Astrojet livery is, you don’t go backwards to go forward. The current livery is okay. The new livery just isn’t compelling, inspiring, or appealing, mainly due to the tail. It looks like the Team America World Police.
Worse, though, is one you get on the plane, you realize AA hasn’t done a thing to improve its domestic onboard experience. The seats are the same light-sucking navy blue. There is no in-seat AVOD. There is no on-demand meal/beverage ordering system as is found on Virgin America. It all adds up to one big “meh.”
Fantastic picture!
I’m going to miss the current American scheme. It really epitomises the US airline and airliner industry for me with that polished fuselage.
The new livery has grown on me over the past discussion. Seeing the three liveries together has clarified the minor dislike of the new tail. I think the flag should stay on the tail and not extend to the fuselage. The USAirways tail will look good on the new paint.
Sky God,
be patient. All of the AVOD, new seats etc will be coming with the new deliveries. Go to aa.com to see for yourself. Rome was not built in one day.
The livery that AA is replacing is virtually timeless, and can be adapted to a composite aircraft. If they wanted to adapt the stripes and the typeface, fine, but I would have kept the color palette and the tail untouched, they are perfect.
The new livery looks cheap and almost comic-like to me – and will not stand the test of time. Just about the only thing going for it is that the stripes seem designed to incorporate the USAir heritage.
I thought United’s post merger paint scheme was beyond horrible, then I saw AA’s.
I like the center plane’s livery best, but I well understand that it is dated. (So am I!) Sorry to say, but the new paint does NOT a great airline make. AA has a long way to go to meet basic standards and I still avoid them when I can, mostly because the service still sucks. In my experience – and only mine, once they have the money, they don’t care – yes, even in First Class. Lipstick on a pig, at best.
I am curious Cook, what airline do you like the most?
Domestic; None. International obviously varies by destination. When headed east to Europe the German folks at Luft are the best. If headed west to Asia, the choices seem to be greater, the competition far wider and most carriers appear to have an interest in service. Finding a ‘bad’ Asian carrier with links to the US’s west coast is difficult. Most are exceptionally good and they are nice to their customers. I’m well aware that Delta and United (and others) fly to Asia, but I’ve given up on the lot; they just don’t get it, especially for those 8+ hour legs. The feed near slop and expect us to sit down a shut up after the ‘service’ is finished. Eight+ hours, perhaps ten or eleven is a very long time, even in a BC or FC seat. Most of the Asia-based carriers understand that and make an effort to make their customers happy. For about the same fare, the US-based carriers seem to tell their premium fare passengers to sit down, shut up and ‘we’ll let you know when we get there, at least in my experience. I make 10-12 Asian trips per year. Does that answer your question?
Perfect. I think many feel the same way you do.
I think the flag on the tail is not only well executed, but will make American Airlines new logo very easy to identify. Brand recognition is important and this particular design is easy to recognize. The old “AA” needs to go. I remember once at a sabre specialist function years ago, the hotel marquis just said “AA”. everyone thought it was for Alcoholics Anonymous! I realize many people find change difficult and loved that old 40 year old livery. But face it. It was old and outdated. And planes are not made of mostly aluminum anymore. The change was not only overdue; it was required.
Agreed, Bill, that a change was overdue. But not this. I don’t believe anyone is responding negatively to change, rather responding negatively to extremely poor design. It’s awful. Everything about it is bad. Innocuous fuselage and a circus tail. I can’t believe how bad it is.
They could have done something like the Final TWA logo. Which combined the historic globes and TWA logo. Now American could have done something like that.
Obviously with the arrival of a fleet of Airbus aircraft, the silver finish was going to have to be changed. However, the change that we are presented with has so many things wrong with it. First, the tail is a bastardization of the American flag. Second, the so-called “Eagle” looks more like a seagull rather than the proud symbol of the United States. Third, though they use the same colors, the flight symbol and the gaudy tail simply do not go together. Fourth, this plane epitomizes the “Ugly American tourist” wearing Bermuda shorts and black socks when traveling overseas. Fifth, the logo absolutely is not a refresh of the classic logos that American Airlines has used over the past 70 years in spite of the designers’ claims. Line up the logos and it is clear to anybody. The whole thing is just an epic fail.
AA Gets new plane or keeps old plane
The New plane looks better and new
Most Disappointing livery. Design on the tail looks very forced, tawdry, and too busy. Its sad that again the classic cheatline was removed.