An awesome photo, closer up of British Airways 787 at Paine Field. Taken by moonm.
Three days this week, we have posted a photo post on a new livery on a 787 (An American Airlines 787 and a Norwegian Air 787 were posted earlier this week). Today we are highlighting British Airways first Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a sort of semi-livery. As in the tail is painted, but the fuselage is not.
We have seen this before and every other time, it has turned out to mean a special livery for the 787. Is British Airways planning the same? As of posting, no official word from the airline, but my guess is we will probably see something a bit different than their standard livery.

British Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner seen from the Strato Deck at the Future of Flight. Photo by Sandy Ward.
This has been a good month for BA and new aircraft types. Earlier, their first Airbus A380 rolled out of the paint hangar in Germany and now the 787 in Everett. Just too bad we do not know when the Dreamliner will be delivered to the airline.
Any guesses what this livery might entail? Or do you think it will just end up being the standard livery?
A big thanks to moonm and the Future of Flight for letting us use their photos.
i’m guessing it’ll be a tribute to margaret thatcher
While I expect that it will be a special 787 scheme, a oneworld livery would be awesome! However I somehow doubt that they would do that for the first plane of the type in their fleet.
The 787 should be delivered in May, but with the recent grounding, might be a bit later.
As for the possibility of it being in One World livery, not likely, as each one wold airline has a specific type of aircraft dedicated and painted in one world colours. British Airways has the 747-400 aircraft as their one world aircraft.
Yeah, can’t wait to see this aircraft in the air. hoping it comes to Cardiff soon….
How would a couple of lightning flashes painted on the aircraft look? Lets hope Boeing can get this wonderful plane flying soonest. Remember the 777 had massive delays but it was not so media focussed as this. The battery issue is a very minor albeit disruptive one when you consider the big technology picture of this trail blazing aircraft.
Boeing will have it fixed for sure. Toyota Priusses will have problems later too, and the cost of these to the total value of the car is massive.
Battery failure is not as catastrpophic as engines blowing blowing out on the 380’s.
I took the tour at Future of Flight the day before this plane came outside and they said the tail being painted is just part of the new process for all of the planes now. They like to paint all of the control surfaces because it is more efficient/cheaper than doing it after the plane is fully assembled.
Was on the tour a week ago and BA 787 number 2 and 3 were next to each other in the final two bays of the production line. Cannot wait to get on board these planes to judge for myself the extra refinement offered by the new design!
This is a really pretty jet in the flesh and Paine field is utterly awash with them hope they are all in the air ASAP!