UPDATE – Sept. 2: FTV1’s first flight is now even closer. Late last week, Transport Canada awarded Bombardier’s first CSeries plane its Flight Test Permit. This clears the way for FTV1 to begin high-speed taxi tests, and ultimately fly for the first time.
You can read Bombardier’s press release HERE.
ORIGINAL STORY – Aug. 23: Bombardier has dressed up its CSeries Flight Test Vehicle 1 (FTV1) in new “house” colors. After all, it’s always important to look your best when you’re going to a big party. And FTV1’s first flight certainly qualifies as a huge event for the CSeries’ program.
The new livery looks quite similar to the design we’ve seen in previous artist conceptions of the plane in the air. It has a white fuselage with blue tail and engine cowlings, and a cute little red tip on its nose. I’m thinking that the red is there to highlight the test plane’s air data probe, which won’t be on production aircraft. Be careful, you’ll put your eye out with that!

A nice head-on shot of FTV1 – new colors, ground power plugged in – let’s go flying!
Photo: Bombardier Aero
BONUS: Bombardier video showing how FTV1 was painted
FTV1 looks pretty good sitting on the ground. I’m looking forward to seeing how nice the plane looks in flight, and hearing how quiet it will be. I’m guessing that FTV1 will have its first flight at Mirabel Airport (YMX) within the next two weeks. What do you think?
What a sexy jet!
Clown’s nose is not a good idea. The concurrents will have fun.
The “concurrents” are smart enough to know that’s the pitot static tube and as part of the instrumentation system, it’s required to be “orange”