CSeries FTV1 is moving so fast, it’s a blur! High-speed taxi tests are underway.
Photo: Bombardier Aero
On Friday, Bombardier’s CSeries Flight Test Vehicle 1 (FTV1) began high-speed taxi testing at Mirabel Airport (YMX). FTV1’s test pilots will run the plane up to 120 knots before putting on the brakes. The tests need to be done with good weather and winds, and on a dry runway.
It sounds like testing is going well, according to Robert Dewar, Vice President and General Manager, CSeries Program. ’œThe aircraft and the flight crew are feeling quite comfortable with the high-speed tests run so far. The crew is reporting that the aircraft is handling beautifully and pending a few more taxi runs, we’ll move into the shimmy testing of the main and nose landing gears whereby the stabilization and vibration, amongst other things, are tested,’ said Mr. Dewar.
Montreal-based, French-language TV network TVA got some great aerial shots of FTV1 and the preparations underway at YMX from their helicopter.
With a few more final tests to go, we expect that FTV1 will be airborne soon. Bombardier is hosting a special CSeries event at Mirabel Airport on September 17, so they’ll be looking for perfect weather between now and then for the first flight. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated.
So here’s a question: are flight plans filed for test hops? If so, would that make it possible to track the first flight online? That’d be pretty cool if were possible.
Mike H.
Hi Mike – yes, flight plans are filed so that ATC knows what airspace the test aircraft will be working. You can try to follow FTV1 in either either FlightAware or Plane Finder. The registration of FTV1 is C-FBCS, and the airport is CYMX (Mirabel). Have fun!
Wilco; Flightaware is one of my favorite sites (and Texas-based like me)…thanks!
Actually, ID was BBA501; the C-FBCS ID goes to another jet. Flightaware shows type as a CS10/G
Just to clarify, while FTV1 does indeed have C-FBCS registration, Flightaware hasn’t yet caught up!
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