UPDATE Jan 21st: Tickets will go on sale at 4:00pm PST on Monday January 26, 2015. We are set to release more details on Thursday, January 22nd on the final schedule, what tickets will be offered and how the two dates will be organized.
UPDATE Jan 22nd: A new page has been created with much more detail about the event. Most has been removed from this page.
Thank you all so much for patiently waiting on details for Aviation Geek Fest Seattle 2015 (#AGF15), taking place in Seattle, WA on February 21st and 22nd. Believe me, there have been many people working behind the scenes (yay Future of Flight) to make this year’s event amazing and a little different — I am really excited. We just hit some snags, which delayed our timeline, but the wait will be worthwhile.
What is Aviation Geek Fest? It is a two-day aviation extravaganza that let’s you get access to things that the general public cannot. Check out our schedule last year for AGF14 and then check out the story covering what happened during the event.
I know many of you are anxious about getting your tickets and they will be on sale soon. Of course there are still some unanswered questions, but this is what we can share so far:

The first Boeing 747 parked at the Museum of Flight
Feel free to ask questions in the comments, but there aren’t going to be many answers that I can give beyond what is posted here.
I have a plane ticket for the weekend already purchased from Boston. Thanks for the update.
And hope that you can get the Full Ticket. But if not, that is why we are doing the Mini Ticket, so you can still come to Seattle and have a good time!
David, AirlineReporter
Yup. Whats the worst thing that happens, I spent the weekend in Seattle and still look at a boat load of planes, woe is me.
Exactly 🙂
Plus all the other cool stuff that Seattle offers.
1) My hotel is reserved already.
2) I am hoping we get to sit in the cockpit of the 787 at the Museum of Flight (I was going to go on Dreamlifter kick-off but Greyhound stranded me) or at the Dreamliner Gallery.
3) I would make the full ticket $78.70 and the mini ticket $35.00. Any references to certain aviation jetliners 100% intentional.
Thanks David. I have a plane ticket already in place from DXB. I hope to get a full ticket!
That would be very cool (787 cockpit sit) but impossible. The cockpit of the 787 is sealed off by a plexiglass wall. I am sure we will get to go on the 787, but sitting in the cockpit will not be possible. The airplane I would love to go on board this time would be the NASA 737-100. This is the first 737 produced, and I have been on board one time and was able to sit in the pilots seat. The first 737!!! It has a cockpit inside the mid section of the cabin, for simulation training. Amazing airplane! I would also love to go aboard the American Airlines 727-200. It is the only airplane in the airpark I’ve not been inside. I am sure it is just a standard 727 seating configuration, but having only flown on the 727 once, I’d love to go aboard one again.
Thanks David, I’ll be happy with any cockpit visits we get!!
I can promise that you can see the Concord flight-deck through plexiglas :).
Everything else will be a bonus.
David, AirlineReporter
Thanks for the update David. Coming from the UK so really hoping to get a full ticket.
I have my plane ticket from the ATL and ready to go. Thanks for all the hard work David, you are greatly appreciated.
Hi. First timer here. Once the tickets are available how do you purchase? Or what’s the process?
Historically we have used eventbrite.com and will likely do the same. They will go on sale at a particular date and time and when they are gone — they are gone. It is best to be available right when they go on sale or have someone do it for you. We will lay it all out much more clearly before the time comes.
David, AirlineReporter
Do you have to be a US citizen to be able to attend?
You do not need to be a US citizen, but you do need to bring ID.
David, AirlineReporter
Great to have some news!
How early in the morning we need to be in each location (Paine field Feb 21, Boeing field Feb 22) ?
We do not know that at this point. Once we lock things down better, we will know the timing. It is likely (but not confirmed) that Sat will start late morning/early afternoon. Sun will likely start a bit earlier.
David, AirlineReporter
I understand everything isn’t locked down yet but do you have an estimate of when the program will end on the Sunday? Would a 19:00 flight departure be safe? I’m not buying anything yet, just looking at options. I realize we could spend as much time on our own as we want in the Seattle area… I’m wondering though about getting home on the Sunday evening/overnight or the Monday morning without missing any of the official events (if lucky enough to get a ticket!). Cheers!
Hey Jim,
It might be tight. Last year things ended around 5pm and it might be the same this year. But again, those times are still being locked down. Also how it looks like things are setup, it might be difficult to leave early from the tour. I think things should be locked down by this week and we can share the schedule with exact times. Thanks for your patience.
David, AirlineReporter
Based on my experience @ AGF14 last year, I would recommend a overnight on Sunday, aiming to catch the first flight out on Monday morning from SEA. The schedule is crammed full of AvGeekiness and the guided tours last year involved a set schedule via bus out to the sites. A 1900 flight is going to be cutting it too close IMO.
Okay, if I’m lucky enough to get a AGF15 ticket, that’s what I’ll do. I’m glad I asked: my only real choices to get back to my Eastern timezone origin would be departing SEA at 19:00 on the Sunday (to YVR followed by a red-eye flight) or 08:00 on the Monday (which just means taking another vacation day), so I wanted to know if the first one was even a possibility. Thanks!
Hello David,
I am a first timer and planning to come. When the tickets go on sale, how do we purchase it? is there a particular time on that day, we will be aware of, so we can order?
Also, I do not know too much about aviation but i have always been curious, so is this the event for me to learn a few things?
The tickets will go on sale at a particular date and time. We will give plenty of notice before they do. They sold out in three minutes last year, so it is important to try and buy once they go on sale.
You can see what the schedule was like last year here:
You can see how the event went here:
David, AirlineReporter
hey David!
me living in Seattle I was wondering when the tickets will be first put on sale and if we have to pay the $99.00 for the room?
also will there be plane spotting at KSEA?
You do not need to get a room at the Hilton, that is totally optional. At this point, I am not sure if there will be organized plane spotting at KSEA. But you are always welcome to do it on your own.
David, AirlineReporter
darnit!! have always wanted to make it to this event but unfortunately cannot. hope this continues to be an annual event, will def make it out! have fun, all you aviation enthusiasts!
There will very likely be people spotting at KPAE throughout the weekend.
I just showed up on Friday morning last year and there were already people on the mound and on the Future-of-Flight terrace clicking away.
Not going to be able to make it this year….SAD!!! Will hope much success for AGF15 and will plan to be there for AGD16!!! Good Luck David and Team…
David and crew, I am booked from Baltimore!! hotel reserved and taking the advise of some folks on here, I am leaving on Monday. GREAT PRICES on Alaska Airlines!! I am ready!!
Bill, I’m flying from KEWR on Alaska Airlines as well! Are they flying non-stop from Baltimore?
Nikolay, yes sir non stop out and back… and a great price on a good airline!
Hi, any news as to when the details for purchasing the AVgeek 2015 tickets will be on sale? Am thinking of flying in from Singapore, so need to know soonest, if possible. Plan to secure the AVgeek tickets before redeeming award flights to Seattle, USA. Cheers!
BK, David says Jan. 22 however, no time has been set as of yet
We have been able to lock in that tickets will go on sale at 4pm PST on Monday January 26th.
David, AirlineReporter
Thanks! That will be 8am in Singapore. Perfect!
And 3am in DXB. Have set an alarm already 😉
T-2 days. Any more detail on ticket sales opening time? I am traveling (in a flight in the afternoon) on Jan 22 and would need some advanced planning to buy tickets.
Hello King,
We had to push the ticket sale date back until Jan 26th. They will go on sale at 4pm PST.
David, AirlineReporter
Question: how do the tickets get purchased? Is there a website we go to for this? Thanks!
There will be an online website to purchase tickets. We will be providing the link prior to the launch time.
David, AirlineReporter
I’m losing sleep I’m so worried I won’t get tickets. I went last year and I came home so excited and tried to talk to friends and NO one really got it. Can’t wait to get with some geeks again.
Hi Bill,
Would you be able to advice if the tickets are to be purchased online? I read at the top of this commentary-feed that the tickets were sold out within three minutes last year. That is definitely a concern. Any idea if there is a certain quota of tickets that is being sold?
Thanks! BK – flying in from Singapore, if I get hold of the AVGeek tickets => secure the flight and hotels….
There will be 200 tickets to attend all the events. There will be 100 “mini” tickets to attend part of the events. The 100 tickets is a new option that we have not done before. We hope some day to increase the numbers, but this is what we are at least able to do for AGF15.
David, AirlineReporter
Can we purchase more than one ticket at at time? I’m going with a group of friends, and we all plan to sit by our computers to buy one ticket each. Or would it be possible for one person to buy three tickets instead?
I am really excited about this!! I’m a former Flight Attendant for TWA/AMERICAN and would love to see this….Looks like a lot of fun for sure….See y’all be there!!!!
What time does the program start on Saturday, David? I hope to fly in that morning if timing works out.
The time where you must make it to the Future of Flight by will be 1pm. There will be other things to do in the morning, but the main event starts at 1pm.
David, AirlineReporter
Do you guys have the schedule yet? I’m looking at flight options but wanting to make sure everything “fits”.
Keep refreshing AirlineReporter.com. New post with more details should be out with-in the hour.
David, AirlineReporter
Well, i was not able to get thegrand prize tix, but i did get 2 mini’s.. will still be a great time i know!! booked all needed things and here we come SEATTLE!! SOLD OUT in 1 MINUTE!! I know, because it told me so.. Kudos to you and the staff David!
FYI about the Hilton: Last night I tried to make a reservation on Hilton’s website using the promo code, fly. However, it wasn’t accepting it working code. I called the property and after a few minutes they figured it out and booked my room. So, if you find the same thing on the website just call the Hilton at Paine Field.
Hey Craig,
I have also contacted the manager to see if they are able to increase the rooms held for that code. AvGeeks love the hotel :). But thanks for the tip!
David, AirlineReporter
Hi David,
when can we buy the boeing public tour ticket. i am a mini ticket holder
You can do the tours anytime. However, there are tickets reserved (to make sure that you get one) for the 1pm and 3pm tour. You can see the full schedule for Mini Tickets here: https://www.airlinereporter.com/2015/02/aviation-geek-fest-tickets-still-available
David, AirlineReporter