Belavia’s chief Tu-154 pilot, Deputy Director of Marketing and International, and Head of Technical at a quasi press conference in Minsk – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
Bernie, why are you starting a flight review with a picture of a bunch of Russian men at a table? Because this is not a story about where the airline Belavia was — this is more about where Belavia is going. Legally speaking, Belavia turns 20 next March, but they are actually much older. Back in the times of the Soviet Union, Aeroflot used to be broken down into departments based on the Soviet Republics. In other words, there used to be Aeroflot Belarus that was headquartered in Minsk. The Belorussian Directorate of Civil Aviation first came into being in 1953 with its first flight between the old Minsk airport and Moscow.
Having spent so much time working with Belavia and their historic Tu-154s, it’s very important to share why Belavia exists, but also what their current passenger experience looks like.

Belavia used to operate Tu-154B-2s. Oh, if only they still did! – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
A Bit of Belavia and Soviet History
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. This left the newly-formed Republic of Belarus with the old Aeroflot directorate and its fleet. The new airline, Belavia, sucked up almost all the employees of the old airline. Not much changed in terms of ownership structure; Belavia started as a 100% state-owned company and will remain that way. Funny that no one complains about this government-funded airline in international media, but I digress. One day, they may explore some private investment opportunities, but they are an unknown length of time from there.
Immediately after Belavia’s official founding, Russia (Belarus’ largest trading partner) fell on hard times, dragging Belarus down with it. The fleet went from a diverse number of Tupolevs and Antonovs down to a fraction of what it once was. But wait? Wasn’t there a Belavia Il-86? Well, yes. Except it was never property of the Aeroflot department in Belarus, nor Belavia.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, lawlessness was the norm. Some shady characters were trying to move an Il-86 to either the Middle East or deeper into central Asia, depending on who you talk to. In the name of convenience, they chose to move it through Minsk and pretend the aircraft was part of (non-existant at the time) Belavia. Eventually, the economy recovered enough such that Belavia could finally lease a new fleet, which is what they have today (other than the Tu-154Ms, which they have kept since their inception).
Belavia’s long-term vision consists of two things. Fleet renewal and a focus on connecting traffic. Belavia is well aware that their CRJ-200s are both too small and too inefficient to meet their needs; they also know that their leased 737-300s and 737-500s are not getting any younger either. If Belavia had unlimited money, their dream replacement fleet would be roughly 15 737-800s, 10 Embraer 195s, and five or six Embraer 175s. They have no desire, or reason, to enter into the long-haul market. It’s so refreshing to see a small airline with a realistic dream.
The problem is that the West’s crusade against Ukrainian self-determination has put Belarus, like Russia, in a serious economic pinch. It has also affected their Baltic trading partners. Cargo is down, and passenger numbers are worse. You can see the difference in Minsk compared to last year — their aircraft utilization has plummeted. Not only does this leave Belavia with less money to spend on fleet renewal, but it seriously hampers their dream of being a connecting carrier for the region.
There is another factor at play hampering Belavia’s sixth-freedom dreams: the government. Right now, some people can get a 24-hour transit visa, but it is not that easy to obtain. Belavia wants this to become a much-easier-to-obtain, 72-hour document. It might happen, it might not. Nothing is ever certain in Belarus until the president signs off on it.
So Belavia has a rough road ahead, but they will recover. Belarus will recover, Russia will recover. Belavia has the government support it needs to at least maintain its current standing regardless. This is a good thing as I am about to explain why Belavia is the second-best airline in Europe, via a recent flight I took with them.

Not much of an opportunity to take pictures at Minsk National – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
My Belavia Flight Review
We arrived at Minsk as check-in was closing. I had already confirmed my upgrade to business class for a very reasonable price, but due to the late check-in, two of my companions were upgraded due to their seats vanishing. When has that ever happened to you? It was, in fact, one of my friends’ first flights in business of any sort! Sadly, the pressing time made it impossible for me to appreciate Minsk National’s premium lounge.
Boarding was not only via bus, but down a flight of stairs that was also labeled “Air China passengers to Budapest.” Since I was last in Minsk, Air China has started service; it continues on to Hungary.

Belavia uses the same business class seats on the Embraer 175 as everyone else – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
The seats on the Embraer are the exact same as business class on every E-jet I have flown. Sometimes airlines have in-flight entertainment (IFE), but that is not usually the case. Belavia, sadly, was in that camp.

Seat pitch is about 38″, much better than most European Airlines! – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
Still, so much better than almost any other European airline. My goodness, imagine a three-hour flight in a 32″ super slimline that is pretending to be business class? I’ve done it. Not good.
We were given a pre-departure water, a branded candy, and a copy of the Minsk Times. Shortly after the doors were shut, the engines started, and we headed for the runway. The take off roll was around 42 seconds — logical, as we were going for a relatively long flight.
Over western Belarus, we actually passed another aircraft after reaching cruise altitude! Okay, not much of an achievement, as the aircraft we passed in the (slow) Embraer was an Antonov An-74 belonging to Russia’s Air Force. Not a surprising aircraft to see in the Belorussian hinterland. Shortly after the excitement, it was time for lunch. Not a tiny plate lunch of cold cuts and unrecognizable creams, either.

Poorly plated, but delicious – breaded chicken and potatoes – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
The starter was exactly that. Thankfully, I was flying with a pescatarian friend so I was able to trade my fish for his dish. It felt a bit like a game of Settlers of Catan. Either way, the meats were very-well-cured. I am not even sure what kinds of meat they were; beef something.
I’ll admit, not my best food photos, but I didn’t want to engender the suspicion of the cabin crew for taking pictures in flight. Also, there was so much glare in the cabin from my AvGeek friends leaving the blinds open — the nerve! Oh well, at least the chicken was very good. I thought lunch would be complete after the chicken, but I was wrong — gratefully so!

A selection of pastries, a branded chocolate bar, and some tea – Photo: Bernie Leighton | AirlineReporter
It was very nice to have a tray service just for dessert. The chocolate bar was lovely, as were the pastries and I think that the one in the middle of the photograph was my favorite.
All very good, and very impressive.
We crossed into the North Sea over Germany and after that we began the labyrinthine task of navigating London airspace.
Sadly, and this is the only negative thing about my Belavia flight, they use my least favorite airport in London: Gatwick. It has an even less premium arrivals experience than Heathrow.
Not Belavia’s fault, I know, but such a sad way to end a great flight.
Why can’t all airlines in Europe be that good? I was thrilled with my Belavia flight to London and I’d happily fly Belavia again in business. The hard part is I rarely have a need to be in Belarus, unless there’s a specific Russian plane that needs me to fly on it.
It seems at every turn, the smaller European airlines offer more value for money, in business class at least, than the big European Three. Full business class seats, better catering, and warmer service. There’s got to be a reason for that, because it’s not like all of these excellent European airlines are caught in an economic storm preventing profitability.
“The problem is that the West”s crusade against Ukrainian self-determination …”
Questionable opinion there, but we’re each entitled to that!
Nice review!
Agree – the west has largely ignored Ukraine and there is no crusade supporting Ukraine’s geographic integrity.
Also, Belarus has profited as a middleman between Russia and the west. The building and investment in Minsk is a reflection of how Belarus plays a role in money laundering for Russians and Iranians.
Belarus has not profited, on the contrary, has lost billions of dollars because of war in Ukraine. Trades between Belarus and Ukraine have fallen sharply, as well as trade between Russia and Belarus. Sanctions from EU which is going more than ten years show the perspective and bad intent of EU and the West through Belarus. So please be respectful and hush if the topic is not one of your interests and you lack of basic knowledge. Otherwise you cannot mask your tattoed brain by modern times propaganda of Western biased media
“…the West”s crusade against Ukrainian self-determination…”? I thought it was “for”, not “against”.
I suppose it all depends on where your sympathies lie.
was it a sponsored article or was this article written by an employee of belavia?
who would ever like to fly belavia? if they swap planes you d fly a soviet time plane TU154?
who would ever guarantee that all these boeings are well maintained
do we know if teher are any rules that this airline follow?
i m a bit surprised to see such an article – of course undeniable that the flight was evry good but id think twice before buying a belavia ticket
There’s something bad about flying on a Tu-154?
I’d sooner fly Belavia than almost any airline in Europe- they are fully IOSA compliant and actually value customer service and passenger experience. Something sorely lacking in the world of 3-3 Euro J with progressively degrading meals.
Sounds like this article had to be approved by Lukashenko’s ministry of propaganda before publication. 🙂
It seems like your mind is gotten by EU’s ministry of propaganda which usually puts dirt on Belarus whenever possible.
Clearly paid off atricle! Belavia is still old Soviet Airline, nothing has changed. I have flown with Belavia from Minsk to Moscow and I was horrified. The plane was too old and worn out 733 with sooo many patches over the fuselage! I was really scared to fly that 26.5 years old rusted can that sounded like very old vacuum cleaner. It could not climb higher than 28000 feet. no way I am flying with them again, they are the worst and Minsk airport is awful communist animal farm, not built for humans!
You do know that Minsk National Airport is about to undergo a massive series of renovations including a new runway opening in 2018, right? Also, how can a Soviet airport have a Burger King?
Yeah, it is strange looking; but it does the job just fine.
Now to get to the meat of the potatoes. I was not paid off. Belavia is actually good. Decent hot meals, REAL business class in Europe, and they even give you a pillow and blanket!
I know the 733 you are talking about, it is going to be replaced. The fact you flew on it to DME surprises me, that’s usually a 738 route! Also, I don’t see too many planes between MSQ-DME/SVO going higher than 28,000 routinely. It’s not a long flight.
I guess you could always fly Aeroflot next time. The SSJ is wonderful!
The UK has suspended the license of Belavia to fly from UK, give todays events.