We are happy to share some more details on Aviation Geek Fest Seattle 2016, including ticket sale dates. What is Aviation Geek Fest (AGF)? It is a chance for a group of people to experience airline/aviation things that the general public typically does not get access to. The 2016 AGF in Seattle will be held over the weekend of April 8-10, 2016, and it is going to be AWESOME!
All 250 tickets sold out in 30 seconds last year, and this year we have a different online ticket purchasing program that will hopefully make it easier, more fair, and less stressful (yay). That said, the event is still in high demand and tickets should go fast.
Do not worry. We are in process of looking at potential future options to help grow potential AGF experiences to other places around the globe.

A group of AvGeeks getting a VIP factory floor tour by a Boeing 747-8I – Photo: The Boeing Company
Aviation Geek Fest Seattle 2016 Weekend Details:
It is almost time! Next weekend will be Aviation Geek Fest Seattle 2016. We apologize for the delay, but on Monday, at Noon PST, you will be able to choose your tracks of what you will do when. Everyone will be able to do everything during the main event, it is more about when you want to do it.
Please review the track choices so you are ready to sign up on Monday, April 4, at 12:00 p.m. PST. At that time, look for “Aviation Geek Fest Tracks” at this link:
You will need to have your Aviation Geek Fest ticket number to sign up.
Also, you will need to print all your tickets and bring them to Geek Fest with you.
Your shoes must be flats, no high heels, open toes or ballet-style flats allowed, at least on Boeing property. Also, no cameras or electronics will be allowed outside of FOF or MOF. There are free lockers at the Institute of Flight and we will have a system to secure your cameras.
AGFSEA16 Day 1 – Saturday, April 9, 2016
Future of Flight/Dreamliner Operations Center/Boeing Everett VIP Tour
NOTE: You will be required to select what time you would like to attend the Dreamlifter Operations Center tour, which leaves from the Future of Flight. Once selected, you will be able to sign up for some of the other tracks.
Everett VIP Factory Tour
Experience the VIP walk of the factory floor for the closest possible views of 747, 767, 777 and 787 Dreamliner in the world’s largest building by volume.
Dreamlifter Operations Tour
View one of only four Dreamlifters, the 747-400 specifically modified to transport the major assemblies of the 787 Dreamliner. The Dreamlifter team will share information about their operations and the global role that it is playing for Boeing.
Guest Speaker: Randy Tinseth
Randy Tinseth is vice president of Marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes leading the teams responsible for global go-to-market strategies and analysis in support of sales and product strategy. He also hosts the Boeing blog, ’œRandy’s Journal’. For the Aviation Geeks, his topic will be ’œBuilding Tomorrow’s Airplanes Today’.
Drone Zone: During this special low-fly version of the Drone Zone program, participants will have a chance to test their skill at navigating quadcopters through a challenge course and practicing precision landings, while also experimenting with a camera-equipped rover and exploring hidden areas.
Rover Construction Workshop: Using a collection of beams, connectors, motors, wires, and battery-packs, participants can experiment with different rover designs and functions, examining ways to make it travel faster, retrieve objects, and solve problems. Although the parts appear simple, they can be assembled in endless combinations, making creativity a big part of the program.
Folded Flight (Paper Planes) Workshop: This workshop examines four excellent paper airplane designs and their relationship to the Four Forces of Flight, and aerodynamics in general. The four designs will be offered as a progression, starting with a simple design and then moving forward, finishing with a flying origami project.
Makerspace (3-D Makerspace): The Makerspace is designed to introduce the concepts of 3D modeling and printing, and allow visitors a chance to design their own object using Sketchup, make changes and modifications, and then save the file for printing. Complex objects may require additional printing time and can be saved as an STL (Standard Tesselation Language) file and printed at another location, or here, during one of our Maker Monday programs.
AGFSEA16 Day 2 – Sunday, April 10, 2016
Museum of Flight/Boeing 737 MAX Tour/Boeing Renton 737 VIP Tour
NOTE: You will be required to select what time you would like to take the Boeing 737 MAX tour, which leaves from the Museum of Flight. Once selected, you will automatically be registered for the VIP Renton tour.
Museum of Flight (MoF)
Enjoy the Boeing 100-Year Centennial Celebration, activities,
exhibits, aircraft (like the 727-022), films, and more throughout the day on Sunday, April 10,2016. Be sure to visit the gift shop and caf (lunch is on your own)
Seattle Delivery Center and 737 MAX Walk Around
Pass through the recently expanded Seattle Delivery Center outside to walk around the very first 737 MAX. Look at the unique winglets of 1A001, the first of four flight test airplanes that will be used to certify the next leader in single aisle commercial aviation.
Renton VIP Factory Tour
Take the VIP tour of the location where the world’s first successful commercial jet aircraft ’“ the 707 ’“ was built, and is now home to the world’s best-selling commercial jet aircraftthe 737.
Have more questions? Leave them in the comments here or email both to**@fu************.org and ag*@ai*************.com. Last updated: 4/2/16 8:00am PST.

The group of Aviation Geek Fest geeks in front of a GE90 engine on a brand new Boeing 777
OTHER AGFSEA16 INFORMATION — AGFSEA16 Tickets sold out in 9 minutes!
All tickets to Aviation Geek Fest have been sold out! You can still join the waiting list here.
At this point, we are not able to publicly announce what the tracks will be yet, but we are working on super cool stuff that we have never done before — you will not be disappointed.
Prices are shown below. They are less if you are a member with the Institute of Flight. The Dreamliner Gallery and Breakfast are not required and are add-ons for those who want to attend.
- VIP Dreamliner Gallery and food/beverages/tour: $60 member/$70 non-member
- AGFSEA16 both days – $125 member/$135 non-member
- AvGeek Breakfast Saturday morning – $20 member/$30 non-member
We have a deal with the Hilton Garden Inn at Paine Field for a special rate over the AGFSEA16 weekend (see our review of the hotel). You can book your special rate here. We are working on other possible deals.
We are excited to be able to share additional details about #AGFSEA16. This information is what we have for now, but could possibly change as we get closer to the event. Also, note that Aviation Geek Fest Seattle 2016 will have different tracks – more info coming soon on that.
Can you tell me what the tracks will be and what will we do during the event?
At this point, we are locking things in place and confirming the schedule. We will share once we know for sure what they will look like. It is likely you will need to buy the ticket before knowing the tracks. But they will be awesome.
Will AGFSEA16 be the same as previous years?
There will be a lot the same, but enough changes to keep it interesting for those who have attended previously.
Can you reserve a ticket for me?
Sorry, we are unable to reserve tickets. You will need to queue up and try for a ticket.
Will there be a wait list?
Yes, and almost every year we are able to invite people off the wait list to join us.
Can I bring my children?
All guests need to be at least 12 years old to attend AGFSEA16, and need their own ticket. Anyone under 18 will need to have an adult with them.
Will there be discounted hotel rates?
Yes, we are working to lock those in.
Have more questions? Leave them in the comments here or email us at ag*@ai*************.com.
For #AGF’16 you are showing a Saturday morning breakfast – is this the breakfast that was last year at the Mukilteo’s Speedway Cafe or is this a different breakfast?
Hi John.
As the founder of the Breakfast, I can share that the AVGeek Breakfast is now an official event of Aviation Geek Fest.
Isaac, so does that mean breakfast will be at a different location or just that we won’t be ordering of the regular menu?
The AVGeek Breakfast will be at a different location this year. I think you’ll like the venue. 🙂
For those that have attended the breakfast before, this will be the third different venue for it. Looking forward to announcing the details soon.
Thanks Isaac! Hope I can get a ticket…
If those who are unlucky to get tickets, will there some sort of event planned such as spotting, dinners etc.?
Hey Don,
There will likely be nothing formally scheduled for people that do not have tickets. Last year we tried doing just that with Mini-AGF tickets, but they were not that popular and took a lot of effort to set up. The group of people are great and there will likely be unofficial activities and there are always lots of cool stuff to do in Seattle: https://www.airlinereporter.com/aviation-in-seattle/
David | AirlineReporter
Hi there,
If we are successful in getting through the online queue/lottery system, how many tickets are we allowed to buy per account?
Hello Luke,
It is a lottery system this year and each person can get two guest tickets.
Even wtih a lottery system, there will obviously be 250 very happy people and still hundreds not so happy :(. At least it will be less stress for people — which is good!
David | AirlineReporter
So, if I win the lottery on March 3rd, can I purchase 1 ticket for myself plus *TWO* guest tickets (for two other people that I’ll need to name at that time) for a total of *THREE* tickets on a single winning order? Or is it 1 for me + 1 for my guest = 2 total? I’m only asking in order to get clarity (for everyone) because the per-registration site says “You are allowed to purchase 1 ticket and up to two (2) guest tickets at the point of sale”.
In any case (and whether I win the lottery or not), I think you and your team do an amazing job organizing this event!
Hey Jim!
If you win the AGFSEA16 lottery, you are able to purchase a total of three tickets! We hope to see you there.
David | AirlineReporter
Hi David,
Do we have to name who our guests are if/when we buy on the 3rd? I ask because if I do get in via the lottery, if it’s allowed, I would be more than happy to give the two guest slots to others who didn’t get in (since I’m going solo).
Hi all, I’m much like Johnathan, will be traveling solo (from Australia) if lucky enough to get a ticket.
When I only buy one, does that free the other two back into the pool?
So there may be a couple of rounds a few minutes apart? Or does the queuing system allocate those tickets to the next person in the queue form the initial lottery.
Importantly if miss out when the lottery first goes live, is that it do I go back to bed or wait up a while and see if there’s still a chance?
To Peter,
You will only want to select the number of tickets that you want to purchase when it goes live. I am assuming that there will only be one round at noon PST on the 3rd where all 250 tickets will be sold at once. The tickets won’t be transferable, so you want to make sure the names you have for the other tickets, will be going to those people.
David | AirlineReporter
Theoretically, would something like this be allowed:
– Persons A and B are both want to go, and want to increase their chances.
– A contacts B, and they come to an agreement. If A gets in the lottery and B doesn’t, A puts down B as his guest. The reverse applies. If they both get in, neither goes in as a guest of the other.
– A and B stay in contact with each other (say, via Skype) when the queue opens to check which of them, if any, ended up getting tickets.
Would such an arrangement be allowed?
Hi Jonathan et al, I’m happy to be an A and/or B, if David is OK with it. Peter E.
Hey Jonathan,
I know there is a lot of anxiety with this and people want to get their tickets (I would feel the same way), but we are using this system to be as fair as possible for all people. One entry for each person. So if you are X and you have your guests as Y and Z — then Y and Z should not have their own account with X as their guest. Each person only has access to one ticket, they cannot be sold or transferred. The system looks for duplicates and notifies us and a person’s whole account(s) can be deleted due to breaking the rules.
So really, just use the system, as designed, give yourself a chance for the tickets and hope for the best :).
David | AirlineReporter
Hi David,
Understood. I hope the lottery picks my number…
*crosses fingers*
It is still stressful, but at least less stressful knowing that there is nothing that you can do other than log in and hope for the best!
David | AirlineReporter
What are these morning & afternoon tracks? Chances to go behind the scenes of Paine Field?
Hey Joe,
We are not able to confirm what the tracks will be yet, but many will look familiar to previous years and should be a few new things too.
David | AirlineReporter
Hi again,
I’m now wondering: can someone register for the ticket lottery queue, then buy tickets for someone else? For instance, if I am unable to be on, can I ask that a friend register an account and then buy tickets for me (not themselves)?
Thanks again!
Hi Luke,
When you get your tickets, you are able to buy two for guests as well.
David | AirlineReporter
Okay, so I’m confused… with the new lottery-type process, do we still have to be awake at March 3, 2016 at noon PST? Or can I check a few hours after and still be okay?
I only ask because noon PST is 4AM over in my part of the world…
I remember I was awake hitting refresh last year at 4AM… 🙂 i did get the ticket though!
The new system gives more people a fair chance, however those who are half way around the globe will have to defer travel plans till March 3rd.
Hi Guru, a slightly more civilised 7am in “the antipodes” it is however also the next day.
Hey Jonathan,
You will need to be awake and at the computer. You can queue up starting at 10am PST, but need to be in the queue by Noon. At that time, people will be randomly selected that are actively in the queue. So you could wake up at 3:55am local time and get in the queue and be just as likely to get a ticket for someone doing it at 2am. Hope that makes sense.
David | AirlineReporter
David, what exactly does actively queuing mean in this instance? If you log in before noon PST do you have to sit there refreshing or something?
Sorry, this is not very intuitive. Glad to hear it’s a more fair system though.
Can you set something up on the east coast. For one I’m in school. For two I can’t afford to fly to Seattle and by tickets. I live near Erie PA and I would have drive 2hr to CLE, PIT, BUF or connect in Philadelphia (and we all know what that’s like.)
Hi Nathaniel
Aviation Geek Fest was founded in Seattle. A bit hard for them to relocate their facilities to the east coast. You have some great aviation museums in your state and surrounding states to visit. I’ve gone to a few.
Can you send me some of the museums please.
Here’s a list of aviation museums grouped by state.
Hey Nathaniel,
AirlineReporter is actually looking at providing other Aviation Geek Fests and other AvGeek events around the world, so thank you for pointing it out. We actually almost had one in PHL at the beginning of the year, but it fell through last minute. Make sure you are on the email list here: http:www.airlinereporter.com/agf
David | AirlineReporter
Can you email me the location of the event? Thanks, Peter
The event will be mostly headquartered at the Future of Flight part of the weekend and the Museum of Flight the other.
Hi Isaac and Peter,
I am correct (or is google maps more like it) that they are about 40mins drive apart?
So car hire may will be the best option?
Ta. Peter E.
Apologies for missing your question earlier Peter. Yes you can rent a car or just use a car riding service such as Uber or Lyft while you’re here.
Following all the comments, the patience of the event organizers is duly noted and much appreciated…
I’m so happy I’m having my own solo AvGeekFest: Oregon Edition with F-15s and Q400s and a Cabri and 737s and a Spruce Goose.
May The Patience Be With You
Hi Joe,
thanks for the post about the Spruce Goose.
If I am lucky enough to score a ticket, I was planning a bit of trip down to Portland (via Yakima) now need to add McMinnville, Oregon to the itinerary. If I’m coming from Australia was planning at least 10 days in PNW, any other suggestions?
On my previous trip to the USA, I only transited thru LAX on the way to OSH and on to Smithsonian Air & Space and then home again.
All the best. Peter E.
What exactly does “over 12” mean for kids? Does that just mean that a kid has to be past his 12th birthday (so a 12 year old can go to Aviation Geek Fest) or does it mean ages 13 and up? Thanks!
Hey April,
Good clarifying question. I have updated the story and guests need to be 12 or older.
If I get selected by the lottery system at 12pm. How long do we have to complete the purchase?
The reason I’m asking is that I will be able to queue up before 12 but I might be away from my computer for about an hour after 12.
I’m still confused about the “queue up” part. I’ve already pre-registered, so on March 3….do I go to “https://events.futureofflight.org/” and login to my account and just sit and wait?
Will there be some other link I have to click on to actually get on the queue? I currently see links for 4 events on that page, which event would I have to click on to be considered in queue?
I would feel silly (and disappointed) if I login to my account and sat there only later to find out there was some link I had to click on to get on the queue, so I missed out…
When I got the Geekfest tickets I wasn’t offered the option of buying the Dreamliner and Saturday morning breakfast (more likely I missed it given my limited technical ability). If we missed out on getting tickets for these is there another way to get them later on? Thanks in advance
From what I saw, at the initial purchase of the weekend event ticket, the Gallery and Breakfast tickets could not be purchased, but once the initial ticket had been purchased, it was an option to purchase either the Gallery or Breakfast. I am not sure if breakfast will be open to those who did not get an event ticket.
DPB or one of the other admins may have a better answer. Looking forward to this.
There ended up being an issue with the extra tickets not going live on time. So it was delayed. Always has to be something that goes wrong!
I ended up getting the tickets for the Gallery and Breakfast for me and my son so all is good!!!
When will people that are on the waitlist know if they can purchase a ticket?
Hey Joyce,
As spots open up from people needed refunds, we will notify those on the wait list. Thanks!
David | AirlineReporter
Anyone want to share a ride from SEA to Hilton by Future of Flight, let me know. I am arriving on Thu around 7.30 PM. Can share ride back to Renton and SEA as well if required,
Hi Shirantha,
All going according to plan, I get in from Tampa (via Charlotte) just after noon, so likely won’t still be around SEA at 7:00.
Sounds like a few of us are arriving at Hilton Everette on the Thursday pm? Happy to catch up for a chat, a drink or meal either on the Thursday or the Friday before the Dreamliner event? Are you heading back to SEA on the Sunday pm or Monday am?
Hi Peter, I am heading back to Seattle (BFI/Renton) Sunday morning for Museum of Flight event – then driving to SEA airport probably around 6.00 PM.
Is there a waitlist for the Dreamliner Gallery Tour? I was able to get a ticket to AvGeekFest but the Dreamliner Gallery wasn’t an option to select at that time.
Sorry Dana don’t know about a wait list? David?
The Dreamliner tickets only seemed to become available a few minutes after the “noon PST” (7am Sydney time) opening and I had been successful in getting a weekend ticket. They didn’t seem to be on sale initially? Not sure if availability was only an option / dependant upon success in the initial ticket offering or just a quirk in the timing of the lottery software?
Email me Dana (da***@ai*************.com) and I can add you on the Dreamliner Gallery wait list.
David | AirlineReporter
I also got tickets but was unable to get the Dreamliner Gallery Tour..It is still available for people who got tickets but was not able to get the Dreamliner Gallery Tour?
Could you supply us with the best way to get transportation to get from SEA Int’l Airport to our hotel
( Hilton Garden Inn Seattle North/Everett)..to the center. Can we join in carpool groups? Please help us with that aspect. Thank you in advance.
Just a heads up for everyone. Seattle traffic Monday – Friday from 6am-9am and 3pm-6pm is TERRIBLE. If you can avoid being on I-5 at that time, I would highly recommend it.
Also, at the same time as Geek Fest, the Emerald City ComiCon is taking place in downtown Seattle, so expect a bunch of people there.
As a transit advocate who is sadly well aware the Future of Flight will not see regular transit service until 2018-2019 (and that’s a story in of itself), here’s what I recommend from personal experience:
a) Call your hotel the day before and see if they have a shuttle.
b) If you can use http://commtrans.org/tripplanner/ to plan your transit to your hotel.
c) IF your hotel has a shuttle, they can pick you up within five miles of the hotel and bring you there. You just have to call when you disembark from the bus.
You will save a lot of money by doing this. You also will have time to start going through your photos and rating them on the way up.
In case the e-mail reply didn’t work…
As a transit advocate who is sadly well aware the Future of Flight will not see regular transit service until 2018-2019 (and that’s a story in of itself), here’s what I recommend from personal experience:
a) Call your hotel the day before and see if they have a shuttle.
b) If you can use http://commtrans.org/tripplanner/ to plan your transit to your hotel.
c) IF your hotel has a shuttle like the Hilton Garden Inn Seattle North, they can pick you up within five miles of the hotel and bring you there. You just have to call when you disembark from the bus.
You will save a lot of money by doing this. You also will have time to start going through your photos and rating them on the way up.
As someone who’s booked in downtown Seattle, I will keep that in mind. If there are any other avgeeks staying downtown or anywhere nearby, perhaps we can arrange a carpool or something.
Joe, I looked at that trip planner you mentioned: how accurate are the trip times on that planning guide? It says to get up to Paine Field from downtown Seattle takes more than an hour.
(Note, the above reply is from me, I just goofed up the name on the form)
Jonathan, The travel times are pretty accurate – unless extra congestion hits. In this day and age, Downtown Seattle to Everett during rush hour in ANY vehicle is about an hour.
One of my friends, a high ranking Community Transit official, remembers back when it was 20-30 minutes… and it grinds his gears.
This year, Sound Transit is going to put before voters a plan to eventually stick light rail past the east side of Paine Field. Paine Field’s transit needs should be their own AirlineReporter.com blog post!!
So how many aviation SUPER-geeks will be at Sun n’ Fun before AGF? I’ll be there Wed and Thurs and then am racking up the Skymiles TPA ATL SEA super early on Friday morning (yes, I checked – if it ain’t Boeing, I ain’t going). Anyone interested in a pre-AGF meet-up at Lakeland Linder?
Steve… it turns out I may have an extra ticket if your are interested.
Hi Jeff – I’m all set with tickets already, although I appreciate the offer. Thank you!
Jeff, do you still have an extra ticket? If I read it right, you have an extra AvGeek Fest ticket?
Hey Guys,
Tickets are not able to be re-sold, but they can be refunded and people on the wait-list will be given the chance. This is to limit people’s ability to scalp.
David | AirlineReporter
Thanks, David for the quick reply & clarification. Is the waitlist also a lottery-system or first-come-first-serve?
It is first-come-first-serve off the wait list.
David | AirlineReporter
Ok Steve,
I am another Sun & Fun attendee. Will be at Lakeland Tuesday and Wednesday after a few days R&R in Tampa. Arrive TPA at 18:27 Friday 1st, via DFW from SYD. 17:52 flight time – but less than 4 hours elapsed (gotta love that date line), only wish the body clock would believe my watch. Back to Tampa Wednesday late afternoon for an early departure am for SEA via CLT. Arrive SEA 12:20.
Will have a US SIM by the 2nd will post the number here so we can perhaps co-ordinate for a burger or a beverage?
Peter E.
Hi Peter,
Sounds plausible – I’ll be on the ground at Sun n Fun Wed & Thurs, so perhaps Wednesday will work. I’ll let you post your number since it’s a SIM and will be temporary, whereas I’d be opening myself up to robocalls for an eternity. 🙂
If anyone else will be in Lakeland before heading up to Seattle for AGF and might want to grab lunch or maybe even a ride in the EAA Ford Trimotor (did it last year, very cool, especially when a landing Glasair busted a nose wheel and closed the runway for a while, given me an extra 20 minutes or so in the plane) just post here.
What a week that’s going to be.
I wish I could get ticket for AGF 2016 but a longer than planned meeting made me miss the opportunity. I am now on the wait list and as I was wondering how this will work. I can make plans last minute but is there a chance to know if I am far on the wait list or if I should be doing some kind of plans. I am coming from Eastern Canada, I truly enjoyed previous editions and hope to have a chance to be back in 2016. Thanks in advance.
Gilles… it turns out i may have an extra ticket if you are interested. Just let me know. Thanks
Hello Jeff Sure I can take It Just let me know
I am flying a lot today back to Canada from SIN but will take my message a long the way.
Hi David,,,,any idea when the Tracks will be opening up,,or a hint of what they are….Thanks,,really looking forward to this event.
Two things.
One, do people here want to informally get together after events end on Sunday for dinner someplace in Tukwila or Sea-Tac? If so, please either message me on Twitter at @JetCityStar or send me an email so I can get a rough number.
Two. If you’re coming to AGFSEA16 and are on Twitter, please send me a message as well so I can add you to my List of people attending. Thank you!
Can’t wait to see everyone next month.
hello Isaac
found you on twitter I am pumpkimbabe and so looking to the geekfest
look forward to meeting everyone
I am not on Twitter and I cannot locate an e-mail address for you – so I am relying here. I would be interested in getting together in Seattle/Tukwila area on Sunday evening, as I already have a hotel booked there an do not fly out until (EARLY) Monday morning.
John Moore
Apologies for not responding sooner John. Here’s the plan for the first ever #AVGeekWrapUpFeast .
For those that would like to get together for dinner on Sunday April 10th after Geek Fest has wrapped up, your in luck. The current plan is to meet up at the Claim Jumper restaurant in Tukwila Washington. Time right now is TBD, but we’re thinking it’ll be in the 5:30pm-7pm time slot.
Claim Jumper
5901 South 180th St
Tukwila, WA 98188
If you’re interested in attending, please email me at the address below with your full name and how many people in your party.
I’m arriving SEA from DTW at 2:25 on Friday. I will rent a car for the drive to the Hilton Garden Inn at Paine Field. I’ll have room for a couple of people if anyone wants a lift.
Have you negotiated any hotel rates at Sea-Tac for this event?
Hello Avgeek friends:
I will be coming 1 noon on Friday. Leaving 12 noon on Monday. I have booked a rental from SEA to & fro… If anyone would like to ride along as I have room for couple people. Looking forward to the exciting event with you all. 🙂
FYI: I have checked through http://www.restaurant.com which offers deals throughout U.S. for restaurant deals in any specified city. You can get discounts at Paine field area restaurants. You must also check the ‘details to participate’ on those restaurant deals you choose. Good luck!
Kindest Regards,
Snehal Jardosh, MBA, International Sales Executive
International Ocean Shipping – offer competitive rates
Can we create a FB page so everybody can share the photos before / during / after the event?
Every year Shirantha, we’ve usually set up a photo album on Flickr that people can share their photos from the event.
Speaking of photos, I’ll just re-iterate what the policy is.
During the Boeing Factory tours, There will be NO PHOTOGRAPHY ALLOWED. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. If someone does take a photo during Geek Fest and it ends up online from inside the factory, Geek Fest will be NO MORE. Want to make sure everyone is CRYSTAL CLEAR about this.
There WILL be plenty of opportunities during the event to take photos. The Boeing Factory tour though will NOT be one of them.
Why take photos inside the Boeing factory when there are already a ton of them already on the internet. You can find photos of nearly every angles and areas of the factory if you look hard enough. They even have videos show how aircraft are assembled and moved along the assemblily lines. What a photo of yourself in the photo? Just photoshop yourself in!
Agree; No photos means no photos. I have done Boeing tour once and they are very particular about it. I am sure we all are responsible bunch of geeks and will not violate rules at all during the event. 🙂
It’s best to follow the Boeing rule(s). Per Issac & Shirantha we will do what it takes to be ‘good’ visitors for AVGeekFest17 to happen. Sometimes, It always takes one person to mess it up for everyone. Do they have lockers for our cell phones? Or do we leave them in our rooms? I’m am certain there will be ample opportunities to purchase memorabilia at the Boeing store.
Hello Shirantha, Could you create a FB page for us (or if you have done so already??)…that would be very cool! Thanks.
Hello Shirantha that’s a great idea – would love that so we can get to know people who are going – I am coming from the UK and cant wait
would love to spend the next couple of weeks talking /reading about it
is this possible?
Hi, Due to work reasons, i need to return my tickets (two tkts) to this year’s fest – . Please let me know how I can do so.
Ash, If you’re looking for someone to buy your tickets I am looking for two, one for me and my husband, if it could work out I can pay you for them.
Ash and Joyce,
Please be careful. The website where tickets were purchased said that any tickets resold would NOT be honored for admission to GeekFest16.
Ash, I would recommend you contact David Parker Brown and I believe that is how the waitlist is able to get tickets.
I would hate to see either of you lose money and be disappointed by b trying to re-sell.
Hi John,
Agreed. I have sent an email to Mr.David on Sunday regarding returning the 2 tickets, however he has not replied back (as of yet)…and I am hoping he sees my post here. As per the rules of the Fest, any tickets returned would go to the next person(s) on the Wait List and I am all for that. I just want to return the tkts as soon as possible so that those next person(s) get them in time.
Looks like the tracks are open to pick up; but no announcement yet; I am assuming that we wait for announcement from David.
Hello Shirantha – where have you seen the track info ?
Future of Flight store – same place we booked our tickets
thanks so much – think I have found it 3d / robotics
It was just live for a few minutes at they set up the track system (must have been refreshing 🙂 ). Anyone who accessed it, did not see what it will hopefully look like in a few days, when it does go live. We will be sure to let everyone know.
David | AirlineReporter
Hi Shirantha and David
Not only saw it, but purchased a ticket and got an email with a confirmation and bar code (square thingie).
Presume it is void.
Looking forward to meeting you both. Peter E
I don’t see how we access Future of Flight store Shirantha
Hi Shirantha – do you know if the facebook idea was done?
Yes; its created now;
thanks – that’s fantastic -look forward to meeting you
Looking forward in meeting you Tracey and all commercial aviation enthusiast soon!
Kindest Regards, Snehal
Hello fellow AvGeeks, just wondering if anyone has just 1 extra ticket. I’m on the waitlist for the second year in a row and hoping to get in this time. Also, are the tickets transferrable? I’m reading conflicting information on the interwebs.
Hey Darshan,
Sorry you have been on the wait-list for two years in a row, but tickets are not re-sellable or transferable. Only the person, whose name is on the ticket, is able to use it. I know we are close to the dates, but we keep getting people who are cancelling and are going to the wait list.
David | AirlineReporter
Thanks, David… I guess I already replied to you in the other comment 🙂 I hope to get in this time… fingers crossed.
For those who have tickets (or are planning to be in Seattle area anyway) –
I hold my FAA pilot’s Certificate and MAY have an opportunity to rent a Cessna 172 on Friday afternoon. I could take one person (or possibly 2 smaller people – limited to about 270 lbs. total after fuel and myself aboard) along if anyone would be interested in spending up to 2 hours seeing the Puget Sound area from the air.
This would depart from Paine Field (KPAE) between 3 and 4 PM. I would like to have some help with the cost, which could be discussed.
If you are interested – Please reply here or to JTav8r84ATgmail.com
Looking forward to this year’s festivities!!
Hi John, I tried emailing you several times, but somehow couldn’t make contact. I’m interested going up flying. I’m interested if there is still availability. Kindly, please give me details as per the cost & other specifics. I’m awaiting your reply. Thank you.
Kindest Regards, Snehal
Hi David, and all,,,,,,,,,Any idea yet on release time of the tracks? Thanks and looking forward to this event.
ASAP. I know, it is frustrating!
David | AirlineReporter
Yes, I realize that people WANT to know NOW when the schedule will be posted. I’ll just state this.
It WILL be posted before the event. Rest assured people are working to make SURE that everything is set before announcing it. Lets not bug the organizers about the schedule now until it’s posted. If you have questions about other subjects, please keep asking them! Love the enthusiasm here to celebrate what’s going to be an epic weekend. 🙂
Are the Camera allowed during the Dreamliner Gallery Tour on Thursday evening?
Hi all, survived the 15 hour SYD to DFW then the 3+ to Tampa and sorta feel almost human again after a couple of good nights sleep, a few long walks followed by a couple of beers.
Sun and Fun for the next few days the on to Seattle for the AvGeek fest on Thursday pm.
Looking forward to the Avgeek immersion. US Mobile is +1 (813) 992 4078 (for April 2016 only) if any one want s to catch up. All the best. Peter E.
is there a way to change your tracks? The system was confusing with this “Attendee 1” stuff and now my dad and I are on two different schedules, not to mention there is no space left in maker and drone sessions already?
Super frustrating to literally spend hundreds of dollars on tickets and over a thousand in expenses to have it be this messed up.
Hey Adam,
In your other comment, it looked like you got it all worked out for you and your dad? I apologize for the confusion. No question, this was a difficult set up (I had to go through it as well and it was not easy). But we want to make sure you have a great time with your dad! Let me know if you have any issues still – da***@ai*************.com
David | AirlineReporter
Quick and possibly silly question: Do we need to bring our passports for ID to any of the events? Thanks!
Wow…. I sure hope not, at least not for us natives. I’m at the ATL airport on the first leg of my Sun n Fun / Av Geek marathon week and I don’t have mine and won’t have a chance to pick it up. Hopefully photo driver’s license, FAA-issued pilot certificate, concealed carry permit (requires Georgia Bureau of Investigation background check), and my TSA “Known Traveler” number would suffice in lieu of a passport. Half joking. I did notice the passport question and got a little nervous, I don’t recall seeing that requirement anywhere else.
Hey Alan and Steve,
Any form of ID with a photo will be just fine! So don’t stress too much :).
See you Saturday!
David | AirlineReporter
Same thing happened here- two of us on the phone in different cities , simultaneously trying to select tracks and input the same info into the system so we can attend together. Done- had it done same times for us both. It came back w/two of the same for Saturday and then different tracks for Sunday….arrrrrrrrrg. Called the customer service number on the FoF home page…got transferred to two different people and the last person had to take our numbers to call us back. She said there have been a lot issues as people were trying to book the tracks.
This process seemed very time consuming and confusing. The latest info give on this was the images of the events…the colorful grid. At the top of each grid showed GROUPS A B C D E … etc. Why then on the drop down windows for selecting tracks you had to pic a specific event and time? You had to go back and forth to look at the times…and then the times didn’t always match the grid with the drop down times. Drop down window choices should have been easy: GROUP A, B, C, D, E…. Frustrating =( Still waiting for a call back to see if we can get in the same track…
So I went back and tried it again and got mine to sync up. It send me new tickets via email so I’m assuming it worked.
Thanks, Adam- I went back and tried to rebook the correct time needed and it took. Now, I hope they don’t have me double booked for Sunday…. I need the 130Max track, NOT the 230!
Yep, I printed all versions of the tickets and receipts. Even if it’s all screwed up I’ll at least get into a session!
If you have your tickets printed — you are golden!
See you Saturday!
David | AirlineReporter
Hey Perry — let me know if things didn’t work out (da***@ai*************.com). No question it is confusing. This is the third software we have used to manage the AGF tickets. Each one comes with its own issues. Selecting the tracks is one of those big issues.
David | AirlineReporter
Very confused on the tracks. I can only set tracks for myself, does my wife automatically get into the same ones I do? I get that everyone gets into everything, but my big concern is timing on Sunday for Renton tour, as I need to get my wife to the airport.
Someone from AR please correct me but this was my experience:
On that very first screen it asks for your ticket code, what you fill out on that next screen is just the elections for that first master ticket. You will then get issued two new tickets for Saturday and Sunday (note that they don’t reference a track just the Dreamlifter time and 737Max time).
Then you have to repeat that whole process with the second ticket.
My recommendation is to open up two browser tabs and do them in parallel if you want to get everything right, even then it’s confusing.
Hey Adam,
No question, it was a very confusing process. I had to do it myself, with two tickets, and it took me a while to manage it. Your printed tickets should confirm that you got everything right!
David | AirlineReporter
Hey Rob,
No question, it is confusing. You should have been able to set your and your wife’s schedules with just your ticket number. If you were able to print off tickets for both of you — you are golden. If you don’t have that, you can email to**@fu************.org and she can confirm.
See you Saturday!
David | AirlineReporter
How do we know which “C” track we got into for the MAX tour? They both have the same start time. We wanted to be in the second one, so we selected the second on in the list, but since they share the same physical time I am not 100% sure that we are in C2. Is there anyway to know for sure before we get there?
I’m not 100% sure, but I think that if your e-ticket receipt for Sunday ends with VIP AM, then you are in track C2.
Hey Michael,
It is best to reach out to to**@fu************.org and she can confirm what you signed up for!
See you Saturday!
David | AirlineReporter
Hello David,
I just wanted to ask if you need any volunteers to give any help. Just let me know. I come in on Friday afternoon and leave Seattle on Monday later morning. Keep up the good work David! (that also goes for your team). Thanks.
Kindest Regards, Snehal
(760) 861.1294
David, I am available on Friday during the day if you guys need hand too. Yes – agree with Snehal; Keep up the good work David. I know its not easy to organize this kind of event. See you all on Friday evening.
Actually relieved to know that I was not the only person who had trouble getting thru the track set-up. Regarding setting up in parallel – should be aware that it does not work. I set my husband and I up in parallel since we had two separate tickets. I used the privacy mode so that there would not be any cookies. Didn’t work, after I got my ticket, the other set-up automatically identified me and not my husband for the registration again. Had to log out and then log back in as my husband. In addition, once I printed the tickets, I only had the Saturday tracks, the Sunday ones did not print, even though I had selected them. So back thru the entire system one more time – once for me, then once for my husband. Luckily, we managed to get the identical tracks before they were filled and one of us was locked out. So it took five tries total for me to get thru the process.
Well have arrive at Everett, booked into the hotel and even done my washing from the last week. Not exactly sure what time it is but their ad says 21:17? Is that Seattle time, Tampa time or Newcastle (AU EST) time, I give up! time for bed at any rate. No doubt more Avgeeks will be here tomorrow (Friday?). (813) 992 4072 if you want to catch up. All the best. Peter E.
sorry guys, was a bit fat fingered the actual number is +1 (813) 992-4078 thanks to those who tried to reach me to catch up, will be at the Hilton nr FOF until Monday am. thanks Peter E
To everyone who worked so hard to make Aviation Geek Fest a success,,,,,THANK YOU!
I would like to echo Peter’s comments – thank you to everyone whose work behind the scenes made GeekFest’16 a success! What a great weekend!!
Ok- THAT, was a fun time! THANKS to all that made it happen!
I had a time of my life….. Lots of friends made here…loved every second of it…had to fly first class home just get two bags full of Boeing goodies home…now trying to figure which window of my home I get the goodies in without my wife knowing 🙁 …Btw, best shot of Ed Force One..
Thank you all so very much – we had an amazing time , we met the most fantastic people and thanks to all the staff and volunteers who made this happen .
I also had an absolutely awesome time at AvGeekFest ’16!!! Best $1,600 I ever spent (total of all costs)! I was impressed how organized everything was. I also met some nice people who share my interest. Thanks to all who made this happen.
Does anyone know how/when we will get our copy of the photo taken at the Boeing Delivery Center with the 737 MAX? Will they email it to us?
I agree! Best money spent in years! Are the Everett factory tour photos up yet?
I guess this link has the pics. I followed it via the twitter post by future of flight.
Hope it works.
Thank you! I could be wrong, but I believe that flickr album contains neither the Everett nor MAX group photos 🙁
FYI to people.
Here’s the Aviation Geek Fest 2016 Flickr photo gallery.
I believe more photos will be uploaded once FoF receives them. Also, if people are interested, there’s a Aviation Geek Fest presence on Facebook. Everyone is welcome to join.
If someone would be so kind as to point me to the exact group photos of the Everett and MAX tours, it would be immensely appreciated. It must be a problem on my end, but I don’t see any group photos in the flickr links. There are tons of pics (519 of them in the album link above, for example, lots of pics of people walking around the 737MAX, and at the FoF), but I don’t see any group photos. Are the group photos somewhere else? Thanks so much.
I agree. I have not seen the group shots. I was in one at the Everett factory tour by Liam on Saturday and one at the MAX tour.
I know this website provides quality depending posts and other information,
is there any other web page which gives such data in quality?