This can be all yours – Photo: AirlineReporter
Do you want to win a Qatar Airways Airbus A380 model? Of course you do! Lucky for you, we have one and we are looking to give it a new home. All you need to do is make sure you are following us on Twitter, and then retweet our contest tweet and you are eligible. The contest will be open until 5:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, August 26th and at that point we will randomly pick from the valid entries. Here, I will make it easy for you with the official tweet below:
Update: CONGRATS to @lauratherad for winning this sweet, sweet model! Stay tuned for our next contest!
Can you please give me more details about the model?
Yes. It is a 1:200-sized model (a.k.a. big — 14.5″ long, 16″ wingspan). I can’t tell who makes it, but it has a fancy wooden stand. It’s registration number is A7-APA, which makes it the 137th A380 built, and it first flew in June 2013.
Wait, is this a used model?
The photo is of my personal model. The one we are giving away is brand new, in box. We can be model buddies.
Who is eligible?
If you have a Twitter account and follow the rules — you are. I will ship it anywhere in the world to the winner.
Does the model actually fly?
Yes. Once.
I work for Delta, can I win?
Of course. As long as you proudly display it at work.
Does this come with subsidies?
Ha… funny, but no they are not included.
Can you just declare me the winner?
Yes I can. Will I? No.
I don’t have Twitter?
That sucks. Sorry, you need to do this on Twitter to win. It’s free to sign up!
Can I enter on Snapchat?
What’s Snapchat?
It is a fun app where you can take photos and make yourself a princess or a panda bear that cries rainbows — that work?
Um… no.
Can I just leave a comment on this story?
Sure… I probably will even reply to your comment, but it won’t enter you into the contest.
Can you wish me luck?
Good luck!
Done! Wish me luck! 🙂
Good luck!
Thank you!
Donesies!! Tks vv much for the competition…model looks AMAZEBALLS!! ✈✈
Great giveaway, except for those who don’t Twitter (or Facebook). This may come as a genuine shock, but lots of readers so not use these things. Nice looking model.
Oh I am aware Cook. I even make fun of social media a bit on the FAQs, if you didn’t read them. That’s why the vast majority of our contests have been comment-based, but some times we have to mix things up! This don’t be the last!
David | AirlineReporter
Oh yes, I am aware, David, except that it is almost as sad as saying, ”Men only,” and you cannot do that. I don”t need or want a large model. Unless it is in DL livery. DL is screwing with a pilot friend of mine and I”d like nothing better than to load the model with a few fire crackers and blow it in her honor. As for the real thing, hell no and of course not! DL has been so nasty to this woman (pilot) that several dozen now refuse to fly the brand, and several dozen associates have sold/traded their miles and walked away. DL apparently does not like women pilots. Shame on them!
Give away a model of an airliner that’s from an American airline, next time. And, I agree with Cook.
Hey Len,
If you don’t want to win a Qatar A380, don’t enter. No one is forcing you!
David | AirlineReporter
I didn’t enter. There is actually a limit to how much “social media” many of us should get involved with. A very large amount of time can be wasted with all the different types of social media. Also, no need to get belligerent, David. It was just a suggestion. After all, I do like your website. Have a good day, David.
By the way, regarding your first reply to Cook, it’s “won’t,” not “don’t.” Proof read before you click send.
David, you have my full sympathy. Can’t believe you get reactions from people like this when you are giving away a FREE prize. Keep up the good work. Most of us out here like you!
Lindsay, David was being a bit belligerent, and if you’ll look, you’ll see that I said I like his website. So, I’d like to see US airlines. What’s wrong with that? And I agree with Cook. Too much “social media.” Wastes a lot of time.Didn’t mean to offend anyone. Sorry.
Remember, we all like airplanes right? 🙂
But belligerent? Nah. Snarky for sure. It is just frustrating for me to take a model out of my own personal collection (yes Qatar gave it to me a while back, but they are not a part of this contest) and I am using my own personal money to ship it to the winner and then have people take issue with it. Yes, not everyone is on social media. Even I do not like Snapchat (hence my joke in the FAQs). We have done all sorts of contests from having to put “I like cats” in the comments to signing away your self online. This contest I wanted to help celebrate our Twitter followers. Do not worry… there will be plenty more contests with other ways to enter!
Really thanks for reading and commenting… good or bad, engagement is always good!
David | AirlineReporter
David, I accidentally made my reply to you, to Ramees. Fat finger click I guess. Ramees, please disgregard.
Karma 🙂 “Proof read before you click send.”
Entered! Need something for my desk, a bunch of people on my floor just got Air Canada 787 models for their desks so I need something bigger lol
Excellent airline .
Entered. Thanks!
I really hope that I will have it delivered here 😛 By the way I’m from Qatar
If you win, maybe it will fly on a Qatar A380 to Qatar!
David | AirlineReporter
Let it happen !!!
David, I didn’t mean to “take issue with it.” Yes, we all like airplanes, and airplane models, too. All kinds of planes and models. Flying models, and static models.
Okay, I’ll take “snarky,” instead of belligerent. Ha, Ha! We can remain friends, and as I said, I do like your website. Keep send me the emails, okay? Again, NO OFFENSE intended, and if taken, my mistake, and I do apologize! We can remain internet, aviation-loving friends!
Is there premium economy on this aircraft?
Ha! There doesn’t need to be since their economy is so grand… at least that’s what they say right? 🙂
David | AirlineReporter
No premium economy (yet) for QR, however, the rear end of the upper deck has economy cabin. Which EK and EY do not have.
Entered, finger crossed!!!!
Oh myyy .. I don’t have a twitter account!
Goodluck to the participants.
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