Delta Airbus A330neo

I am pretty sure that there is more to the A330neo than just those raccoon eyes!

Timing can be a magical thing. I was just talking to my pal Jason Rabinowitz about airplanes (we do this often) and I was asking why the Airbus A330neo was such a big deal. I actually tracked down our high-end chat:

Me: “Why do we care so much about the A330neo? Just b/c that is all we have right now to celebrate?”
Jason: “It new. And it all we got.”

Some eye candy to get you to keep reading and/or looking at the pics.

Some eye candy to get you to keep reading and/or looking at the pics

Don’t get me wrong. I have still been excited watching the new A330 go into service, but it doesn’t match the excitement of the 787 Dreamliner, 747 Intercontinental, or A350 XWB.

The day after my award-winning chat with Jason, I received an invite from Delta Air Lines to come check out one of their new Airbus A330-900neos at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). Perfect.

Here is a Delta Airbus A330-300 that my pal Jason Rabinowitz took.

Here is a Delta Airbus A330-300 that my pal Jason Rabinowitz took. I didn’t ask him if I could use it, but he doesn’t read AirlineReporter anyhow, so it is cool.

The A330 has been a great international workhorse for airlines, but I have never gone out of my way to fly on one (okay, maybe domestically on Hawaiian once). “What’s the aircraft flying my route? An A330? OMG YES I LOVE THAT PLANE,” said no one ever.

Of course most passengers aren’t as concerned with the type of plane they are flying (yes, I know it is shocking to think there are people like that out there), but they are more concerned with the product. Although Delta has been upgrading the interiors of their 777s to the newest product, the A330neo is the first type that has the newest product coming from the factory. I hadn’t seen the updated interior yet, and even though this was going to be a short visit with the plane on the ground, I still excited to have an opportunity to get onto a plane!

My cool Delta day pass for SEA.

My cool Delta day pass for SEA. I shared this on Twitter and I am pretty sure no one could mess up my access, but just in case, I marked out the Record Location number.


I always love an airline event that doesn’t require me to get up at 3:00am. With this one, I just needed to be at the Delta counter at 10:30am and get my day pass, which of course is going into my AvGeek collection. You still get to go through security and it prompts fun questions from the TSA agents. “Uh, I am going to look at an airplane, but not fly anywhere, don’t worry, it is totally legit” (pretty close to my actual convo).


Needless to say, I made it through (otherwise this would be a very different story), and we headed to the buses to ride out to our A330-900neo, which was located next to Delta’s maintenance facility at the south side of the airport.

After de-busing (that is a thing), we walked through a hangar and saw a Delta Boeing 717. A few of us geeked out a bit. The funny part is one of the cameramen (not an AvGeek) started setting up his camera and a Delta employee was asking if they were going to push in the stairs for us to go in. Since a few of us AvGeek media types got so worked up over the plane, they thought this must have been the plane we were all there for. Nope. It just takes a long time to get AvGeeks to move through any airport facility. #sorrynotsorry

Hello A330neo!

Hello A330neo!


As we walked up to the back of the A330neo, I was super excited to hear the APU going. Why? Because it was a really odd weather combo in Seattle: rain, sun, heatt, and humidity! It felt more like Atlanta than Seattle.


Most times when I am touring an aircraft like this, I first head to the back, and then make my way forward. This was no different! Here we go…

First stop was the galley in the rear of the aircraft. It was quite large. The plane we were on was being prepped to fly a scheduled passenger flight, so soon there was going to be plenty of food and drink.

I will mention again that we didn’t have a heck of a lot of time to tour the plane. Part of it was we spent a lot of time outside the plane (taking photos of the A330neo and of course that 717), and this plane needed to be prepped for people who mattered – customers. I really didn’t get to try out much of the product; I just sat, played a bit, asked a few questions, took a few photos, and kept on moving forward (I didn’t want to miss out on seeing the flight deck).

For cost comparisons that you will see below, I looked at some one-way fares from Seattle to Shanghai on the Delta Airbus A330-900neo between now and the end of the year. With the product really impressing me, I wanted to see how much it would actually cost to fly, so I figured I would share the numbers. I averaged those costs to give a basic comparison, but obviously check yourself before packing your bags!

DELTA MAIN CABIN (aka economy)

Next was the economy section, or as Delta calls it “Main Cabin.” This is the place where the majority of passengers will fly… and honestly that is not a bad thing. The inflight entertainment (IFE) screens were large, and reacted quickly to my input. The seats were comfy for my quick sit, but probably not as comfy after a 10-hour flight. Of course with the A330, best to try and get one of the two seats on the edge because sitting in the middle, of the middle, with strangers will make your flight feel even longer. Not wanting to spend too much time in Delta Main Cabin, I kept moving forward.

Average Delta Main Cabin A330-900neo cost flight: $435

DELTA COMFORT+ (aka “premium” economy)

The next product forward is Delta Comfort+. This is really your standard economy seat, with some additional legroom. You also get a fun little extra pocket on the seat back, and a red swath on your seat. I will admit that the addition of red in the cabin actually adds a bit of class.

Also, it’s a good time to mention that the aircraft has air vents!!! I love this. Too few international aircraft have them and as a guy who normally runs hotter, I like having some control of my temperature.

Average Delta Comfort+ A330-900neo cost flight: $485
compare that to $435 in Main Cabin

Hmm. Okay. So only $100 more for a round-trip ticket in Comfort+, I might actually be interested in that.

Delta Premium Select Seat

Delta Premium Select Seat

Delta Premium Select (aka domestic first)

Now we are talking! The Delta Premium Select seat is where I started perking up. I rarely pay extra for more legroom. It just doesn’t seem like a good purchase, even at 6’1″. What I do find helpful is width, especially at 250lbs. The Delta Premium Select product is the seat that took most of my time (even more than Delta One)… and that is a good thing.

The seat really felt like an updated and upgraded domestic first class seat. You have a better IFE screen, seat controls, and the ability to recline. With a 2-3-2 layout vs the 2-4-2 layout in the back of the (air)bus, that extra width really makes a difference.

Average Delta Premium Select A330-900neo flight cost: $600
compare that to $435 in Main Cabin and $485 in Comfort+

Dang. Now, I don’t have lot of extra money to spend on airfare, but $330 more for a round trip ticket in Premium Select vs Main Cabin might be worth it. Or at least paying $165 coming back home (so I can sleep before going back to work).

Delta One (aka business class)

You have arrived. Delta One is the best of the best from Delta and that is saying something. I appreciate that every “window” seat actually gets easy access to the window – not always the case with today’s business “suites” – and those in the middle of the cabin can easily put down a wall to chat with their seat mate, or put it up and stay private. You have the most room, best controls, lie-flat seat, and even a little slider door to up your privacy level.

Average Delta One A330-900neo flight cost: $3350
compare that to $435 in Main Cabin, $485 in Comfort+, and $600 in Premium Select

Hot damn that is a lot of money (but actually not a bad deal compared to other business class products)! But often it makes sense for passengers (or businesses) to shell out the money or miles to fly in Delta’s best product. Based on the extra cost, I think it makes Delta Premium Select even a better deal!

Best seat in the house... err plane!

Best seat in the house… err plane!

Airbus A330-900neo Flightdeck (aw yea!!!)

Had to make it to the very front of the plane, and I did! I was only able to chat with a Delta pilot for a small amount of time before I was given the bad news that our time on the plane was coming to an end.

Final Delta Air Lines Airbus A330-900neo Thoughts

After getting back to the terminal, we headed on over to the Delta lounge at the airport. I had never been and it was a nice place to sit down, talk airplanes, and think a bit about the A330neo. I was impressed. I think the first time that I fly on a Delta A330-900neo will be the first time I am legitimately excited to fly on an Airbus A330, and maybe (just maybe) I can say that the airline/aircraft combos has become one of my favorites. Maybe.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
Is the SFO Water Bottle Ban the Right Move?
Chuck Krauss

So you are a fan of air vents too. I thought perhaps those were long gone as I was never able to cool off on a Dreamliner flight from YVR to HND with nine-across seating last year. I also appreciate two seats by the window in economy, which this plane appears to have. I always travel with my wife, so me wanting the window and her an aisle sets up a crap shoot situation on a packed plane. Within reason I will be willing to pay more in the future to airlines that fly aircraft such as the A330 or 767 with a 2-X-2 configuration.

Hey Chuck,

I love when I board an international flight and see those air vents. I wish more airlines would opt for them. When I ask airlines why they don’t offer them, I get a nice little PR answer that the cabin is configured to provide equal temps for the cabin, blah blah blah. But if you aren’t going to get 300 people to agree on one temp!


Scott Z

Hey David,
Nice post. I do have a special place in my heart for the A330 since the originals came from NWA (my last NWA coded flight was on N808NW HNL-ATL). I hope the Premium Select seats find their way into refurbished 737/757 down that road for First Class. Having flowing Premium Select and Delta One DTW – INC and LAX to SYD you are going to laugh at what I say next. I had better rest in my Premium Select seat than the Delta One. Going forward I think I will actually choose Premium Select. They did a great job with this product.

Oh and I forgot to add…I must say I still with Delta would have moved forward with the 787 instead of deferring it and killing it. I’ve had the pleasure of flying Aeromexico 787-9 from MEX to EZE in First. It is, by far superior to the A350. Don’t get me wrong. The A350 is a beautiful plane (poorly laid out with the first row of Delta One and the tiny forward galley). But it’s not a 787.

Hey Scott,

I really hope we see more of the Premium Select as well. A real premium option that is not out of budget for many passengers! I will say that I have enjoyed flying on the A350, but disappointed that airlines are not opting for the lower altitude and higher humidity option, that comes standard on the 787. I think Airbus made a mistake by making it an option.


Scott Z

David, I agree. I would like to know what their thinking was. Had they done just a few more things, it would have been a 787 competitor. I would say the 787 is nearly silent. It’s just amazing. Wonder what the cost on the A350 humidity/altitude thing is.

Scott, I guess it is not just about the up front costs of the system, but also it is added weight, which means it costs money to flying it around for the lifetime of the aircraft. In the end, I wonder if most passengers even notice or care. Just like going nine abreast in 787 economy or 10 on the 777, those in the know care, but most see the cheapest ticket and call it good!



Great article ! I retired on an Air Canada A330, and (after the DC-9 ) considered it my favourite aircraft. I even preferred it over the A-340-500 which was also a dream to fly. Would have loved to fly the A-330 NEO or (even better) the A-350.


Scott: Your comment about the 787 being “far superior” to the A-350 is pretty baseless, considering that the 787 has been grounded once, and in light of the fact that Boeing quality control has been suspect since the 737 Max fiasco.

Scott Z

Airbus had their fiasco with the A380 when it rolled out. I’m not pointing fingers at manufacturers. I’m simply stating an opinion of someone who has traveled on both planes S.J. That’s all. I personally think Boeing made a mess of the 737. They should have seen it coming and figured out a new single-aisle ala 757.

They will come through the other side eventually better for it. Just like Airbus is sunsetting its A380 production. 16 years was a flop by all accounts. Although she is a great plane to fly on as a passenger even in coach. But they are coming out of it with the A350 which is a very nice plane.

So don’t confuse the discussion as being about manufacturers versus the inflight experience. I just prefer Boeing it doesn’t mean I don’t like Airbus.

David, I did notice the difference in the humidity/altitude. I arrived after 11 hours feeling really quite rested.

787 vs a330: No matter how much nicer (if that is the case, and it’s debatable) the 787 is compared to the a330, the a330 does have the 2-seat rows! I need a window seat on any flight–the earth is beautiful and there’s so much to see–and, as Chuck says, being stuck by the window with 2 people beside you on the 787 is much more of a nightmare than being stuck with 1 person beside you on the a330! Such a shame 767s are becoming more scarce. I’ve flown a330s on KLM, Brussels, NW, and Delta. Fine experiences, except in the early NW when they stuck the in-flight entertainment electronics beneath the window seats.

Oren Ben Ibghei

Very cool report David! It will be nice if you upload next time high resolution pictures.
Thanks for sharing.

Matt M.

Saw N402DX coming into SEA less than an hour after I read this. Great report!

Er no practically everybody I know is aware of the horror that is a 9 abreast 787 in Y or a 10 abreast 777 and now (after being caught out once or twice) avoids them like the plague.

By the way not sure what you are on about Re A350 pressurisation being an ‘option’. Both the 787 and the A350 are pressurised to 6000 ft (vs 8000ft on an alumiminium aircraft) and have c25% humidity as standard. This is not an option but merely the outcome of both aircraft being CFRP vs aluminium built aircraft.

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thank you, brother, for sharing this great knowledge for us. spirit airlines are the best airlines that provide the best knowledge sharing with us.

I feel like I need to point out that Delta”s A350s came with this new hard product fresh from the factory before the A330neos, so the latter aren”t the first to do so…unless I misunderstood what you meant?

Also, regarding your point about people not seeking out A330s to fly on, I guess I”m an outlier, but whenever both an A330 and a 777 are available on a route I always try to pick the flight operated by the A330, since I find them more comfortable – especially those fantastic window seat pairs!

These will be subbed in on some routes from DTW-SEA starting October 15th; I’m really tempted to book one and check it out.

The Delta airbus looks great. Thanks for sharing. I hope I will check it out soon. By the way good pictures.

Actually, the A330 is my favorite plane. I actively will look for it when flying Intl with my wife… Any 2-x-2 configuration please!


Carl – I was F/O on A330 for 5 years, and Captain for another 5. (Now retired) My favourite aircraft was the DC-9, but the A330 is a wonderful aircraft. Both passengers and crew all loved it. Amazing performance for an aircraft that is now thirty years old, and definitely ahead of its time. I can honestly say that most pilots in my company that transitioned to the 787 from the A-330 were disappointed.

A330neo and B767 are the best in my book. After riding in several B787 economy flights, I am so glad Delta didn’t get it. B787 is one of the worst plane for economy passengers. The seats were so narrow, it’s even more narrow than a 10-abreast B777. A350’s 9-abreast is much better, cabin is quieter than B787 and slightly more humidity. Delta’s A350 is not my favorite because it does not have Comfort+ seats but it’s a great plane and beats B787 any day of the week.

According to me Delta is one of the best and comfortable flight for all as they offer best deals to their passengers. Number of times i have selected it and this airline never disappoint me. Best baggage policy, best travel services, comfortable seat there are lots of features delta have..
Must read this article for delta review

This thread is about the new A330neo and specifically Delta’s. Please stop spamming here for Spirit Airlines. Spirit is literally one of worst rated airline in the US.

Looks like the guy was a spammer… deleted his comments. Figured I would leave a reply to you, so when people look at this, they aren’t wondering what you are talking about :).


@David – Thanks… There is another one up the thread, by Akash, similar spam by Spirit Airlines.

Having been on the new A330neo several times, it’s a really great plane. Airbus really hit all the marks they touted in the marketing material. A330neo is really noticeably quieter both with the new engine and cabin. Delta’s configuration also have a good amount of restrooms. I believe at least one of them is handicap accessible, so it was very large by most standards, even bigger then the A350 Delta One cabin restroom. Comfort+ is also available, giving another option to Premium Select. If anything, I think they fixed all the mistakes of A350 layout in the A330neo. i wonder if Delta will reconfigure A350 to have Comfort+ or not…

Great… now we have a Delta spammer. Rule #1 if you are a spammer, learn how to spell the name of the company you are supposedly promoting. That number doesn’t belong to Delta and the name is definitely not Delta Airlines.

Spam deleted!

Not that I want to defend them at all, but I also see “Delta Airlines” as two words in many new stories too 🙁


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Izak Rozin

Nice article,
I”m going to fly on the A330-900neo nex week from JFK to TLV in premium, (6.1) I hope I would like it , not so comfortable on the previous flat bed .
Most airlines around the world go with the brand new 787 , looks like that the passengers like it.
Delta is all American company and it would be nice to see them getting into the 787 (US)instead of Airbus (ER)

@Izak I have no idea what you are talking about that “passengers” like 787. For economy/main cabin passengers, it’s a fact they do not like 787 if they have flown other aircraft and have a frame of reference. 787, in its current common configuration, has the most narrowest economy seat in the sky. F or J class passengers are not impacted by this but for economy, 787 is near the bottom in terms of comfort. A330, ceo or neo, is order of magnitude better than B787 for economy passengers. I do extensive business travel all over the world, so it’s impractical for me to have a ban-787 approach. I will only fly on 787 economy if there are no other choices and the flight is less the 2hr. Otherwise, I’d rather do longer connecting flights, to avoid 787. Arriving a bit late is a lot better than arrive a couple of hours earlier but with sore neck, sore shoulder and sore back.

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