We are in unprecedented times, with so many justified emotions and frustrations. What’s happening right now is not okay and should not be tolerated. Out of respect of our current situation, we have decided to pause publishing any new content on AirlineReporter.com for the time being. This will allow us the opportunity to genuinely listen, learn, and grow.

Although we might not have the answers today, we know that we want to be a part of the solution. We want to start looking at how we can help bring more diversity to the AvGeek community, to our stories, and to our writing team. If you have positive ideas on how to make our wonderful community more inclusive, we would love to have a discussion in the comments, or via email. We know that our actions won’t change the world, but hopefully we can do a small part in improving the airline niche that we love so much.

Thank you and stay safe, from the AirlineReporter leadership:

David Parker Brown, Editor-in-Chief
Blaine Nickeson, Managing Editor
Francis Zera, Editor-at-Large
JL Johnson, Managing Correspondent 
Manu Venkat, Senior Correspondant 

This story was written by one or more of our AirlineReporter staff members. Email us: staff@airlinereporter.com

Quick Video: Plane Spotting on the New York JFK AirTrain

David et al.

Thanks for your note. This reader will miss your publishing and will eagerly be waiting for your next one. We truly enjoy the material and photos provided by all the correspondents. Seeing airlinereporter in our email is one bright spot in this reader’s day and we look forward to each one with excitement and joy. We are not aware of the emotions and frustrations mentioned so we can only hope that nothing ill has been directed at you or any of the airline reporter staff. Please know that we wish you all the very best and we hope that airlinereporter publishing will restart soon. Thank you and stay well.

Thank you Richard for your kind words about our content. Rest assured nothing negative or bad was really put in our direction, which is always nice :). I think off of us at AR just wanted to take some time to think/learn ourselves, while also respecting the protests and calls for change.

Although our thinking and learning will go beyond the “pause”, I also want to create a place where people can come and enjoy stories about airplanes. It is not an easy juggle, but we thank you for understanding.



Personally, I have really enjoyed what you have already been doing and would like to see more of it in the future.

Hey Leland,

I think this is a worth “pause” for us to stop and think — do not worry, we have lots of great stories to share in the future.



I think you all do a fantastic job. Thank you for all your work. When you come back, we will be here for you.

Good on ya! Well said.

Thanks Alan for your support.


I just read almost all of your relatively recent Flight News in SkyRadar and enjoyed everything. Thanks for taking the time to put these articles together – great commentary, photos, and videos! Thanks also for your objective critiques of commercial aircraft, and bullet trains too. In the midst of these trying times let’s hope the global airline industry will make a smooth takeoff soon into better times. Bon voyage!

I will miss your publishing and hope I could read a new one soon. I really enjoy reading your articles and the contect is really good, although I like so much the way you do it. Hope to see your emails soon in my inbox.

How long do you think this pause will last for?

Kind regards,

Why do you have to go into the political arena? What happened to the days where you could just post about planes and airlines and stay out of the divided world of politics? In this crazy world, we want a place we can get away from it all and read about what we enjoy. You have lost a reader forever.


Idiotic. Looks like you are joining the pity party. Stay out of politics and stop bowing the far left and liberal media. You report on airlines, that is not racist. Maybe take the time to educate yourself on the fact of the BLM movement and crime. Learn why it is a farce and what they are saying is not even statistically correct.

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