Harry Windsor's airplane design
Who hasn’t doodled a few aircraft designs before? I know I have and I also know they kinda bite! But who cares? The passion for aviation doesn’t care if the plane can fly or not (Boeing and Airbus probably care a bit more). Inspired by Harry Windsor’s drawing of a new Boeing airplane for Alaska Airlines, the Future of Flight is holding The Harry Winsor Design Your Own Aircraft Show. You can be a professional or using crayons to enter. And the best part? EVERYONE WINS!
Just follow these simple guidelines:
1. Be really creative. Let your imagination soar. Think above the box.
2. Please submit nothing smaller than 3’x 3’ (7.6 cm x 7.6 cm) no larger than 27’x41’ (68.5 cm x 104 cm)
3. Put your first and last name, age (if over 18 you don’t have to tell us your age or pick a age you’re comfortable with) and where you live on your art.
4. Submissions must be received by no later than June 7, 2010.
5. Have fun!
No matter how it turns out your drawing will be displayed at the Future of Flight from July 15th to July 30th and you will get an official badge. Come on now people! I know a lot of you out there have an interest in aviation and want to share it! No one will be judging. I will be drawing my own design and I know Sandy at the Future of Flight has already submitted her drawing that is 3D!
I know I will be heading on over to the Future of Flight sometime this week and add my own drawing to their collection.
To find out more and submit your creation(s) check out their website.
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