Air Midwest (Nigeria) Boeing 737-500 G-GFFH with taped on registration numbers.

Air Midwest (Nigeria) Boeing 737-500 G-GFFH with taped on registration numbers.

Air Midwest Airlines was founded in 2002 and is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Even though the airline was founded in 2002, it wasn’t until February 2010 when the airline started its first flight. Currently they only fly to two destinations using a single Boeing 737-500, although their website does show they own three Boeing 737 aircraft (two -500’s and one -300).

That being said, I think they have a horrid livery. The tail on its own is ok, the back of the airplane is ok, but the front I do not like at all. Put them all together and you have one bad looking airline livery. The font and the colors of its name just doesn’t match the rest of the livery. If you have to pay someone to paint a plane, why not make it look decent or at least not bad? On their website you can get a better view of their logo, although I am not sure what it is supposed to be. Talking about their website, if not having green, white, blue, red and black as colors, their website has an orange background.

Stay healthy, work for United, maybe win a car.

Stay healthy, work for United, maybe win a car.

Do you work for United (or old Continental)? Do you stay healthy? You might win a brand new car!

For the past ten years Continental has been giving away free cars to employees who didn’t miss work due to illness for a period of six months. Employees who make it have their name placed into a drawing and if they win, they get a (pretend I am saying this in my best Price Is Right voice) brand new car! United will be continuing this tradition awarding 11 new cars annually.

United is going all out. Normally when a person wins something like a car, they are responsible for all the taxes and fees. However, United picks up the entire bill. I think there should be an official rule that is someone wins a car that is in your carpool group, they should drive everyday.

If you do not win the car, you still have a chance of winning $50 in cash or 5,000 frequent flyer miles. ’œPerfect attendance helps United provide consistent, reliable service to customers, and it also reduces our costs.’ President and CEO Jeff Smisek told United employees via a bulletin. To date Continental has given out about 180 cars (mostly Ford products) and more than 15,000 other awards.

I find it pretty cool that any company would do something like this and that United will be continuing the Continental tradition. Some might say it could encourage sick employees to go to work when they should stay home, but I doubt many employees would drag themselves to work just the idea of winning a car (at least I hope).

One Dreamlifter and two Airbus A380's sharing a hangar.

One Dreamlifter and two Airbus A380's sharing a hangar. (click for larger)

Oh yes! Now this is totally amazing airplane eye candy of the largest scale. One Boeing 747 Dreamlifter (N780BA) parked between not just one, but two Airbus A380’s inside Lufthansa Technik’s Fankfurt hangar. A big tip of the hat to Jon Ostrower on his blog FlightBlogger for sharing this amazing photo (check his blog for more information on the airplanes).

Me during my first visit to the Future of Flight. Since then, I have probably been about 25+ times.

Me during my first visit to the Future of Flight. Since then, I have probably been about 25+ times.

When I was still new at this blogging game, I decided to set up a visit with the Future of Flight. It was the first time I was going to some place like a museum (because they aren’t a museum) to review for the blog and I was a bit nervous. However, my nerves quickly turned to excitement after seeing all the cool things they had and meeting Sandy and Ed. I was also able to have an amazing conversation with Barry who is the Director. He is a true aviation enthsiust and quite the AvGeek (that is a compliment).

Since then the Future of Flight has become the social media aviation headquarters of the Seattle area. Hosting Aviation Geekfest in 2009 and 2010 and always being supportive of those on Twitter and bloggers. Today they are celebrating their fifth anniversary since they opened in 2005. Since then they have seen more than 850,000 visitors from 175 different countries. They continue to grow the exhibits they have and share their passion of aviation with other enthsists and of course the next generation.

To celebrate, you can enjoy what they have to offer for only $5 admission, which includes the Future of Flight gallery and Boeing Factory tour for today only. If you haven’t been before, this is a great time to check it out. If you have already been, why not go again?

A special thanks to the Future of Flight for all that they do and a very happy five years!

How would you like to have this airline model collection located in the Boeing Archive? Um, yes please.

How would you like to have this airline model collection located in the Boeing Archive? Um, yes please.

A while back I had the amazing experience of checking out Boeing’s archive located in Bellevue, WA. My first post in September gave the general overall look at the archives. Unfortunately since then, I got distracted with other things and caused a delay. This post will be going over the models (airplane not people) found in the archives and next week I will be posting my interview with Boeing Historian Michael Lombardi.

These are just some of the models located in the lobby of the Boeing Archive. They keep the real good ones locked up.

These are just some of the models located in the lobby of the Boeing Archive. They keep the real good ones locked up.

When I went for my visit in September, I was expecting the archives to be a bunch of boxes on shelves. One of the best surprises were all the amazing and unique models housed in the archives. From single aisle Boeing 747 mock ups to Boeing boats, I felt like a kid in a candy store needing a sugar rush. The archive has so many models, it has been difficult to store them all. I told Lombardi that I would be more than happy to store some at my house, but I don’t think that will work out. Although some models were spread around in the lobby and on random shelves, most were stored in two long rows of shelving. There were military and commercial airline models, but of course my main interest were the airliners.

I got so distracted by learning about the Boeing boats, I forgot to take a photos. But I did catch this HUGE Boeing 747 model.

I got so distracted by learning about the Boeing boats, I forgot to take a photos. But I did catch this HUGE Boeing 747 model.

Did you catch I said “Boeing boats” earlier? I am not talking about the Boeing 314 Flying Clipper, I am talking about real boats. Using their knowledge from aerodynamics, Boeing dove into the world of hydrofoil/jetfoil boats. They first launched in 1962 and built boats for military and commercial use until 1988 when Boeing Marine Systems closed and sold the license for the Commercial Jetfoils to Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Lombardi tells me that some Boeing Jetfoils are still “flying” to Macao and between Korea/Japan.

Two single aisle, double deck mock ups for the origional Boeing 747.

Two single aisle, double deck mock ups for the original Boeing 747.

When Boeing was looking at making a larger aircraft after the Boeing 707,  they played with the idea of a double-decker, singled-aisle airplane like these two models depicted above. Can you spot the differences (larger version)? One has the wings in the middle of the fuselage, the other a bit higher. Also check out the differences in landing gears. These models look much more like the Airbus A380 than they do the Boeing 747. You can really see the nose of the Boeing 707/727/737 in the white model. Also, do not miss the Boeing SST model, there were quite a few of those spread out around the archive.

This is one odd-looking potential Boeing 727

This is one odd-looking potential Boeing 727

This little guy (seen above) was hard to spot amongst all the models, but looked very interesting. Lombardi explained what the function of the engines being placed on the wings. “During the 1970s Boeing studied all aspects of commercial aviation and also reviewed the entire commercial family to see what could be improved. This model of the 727 shows one of those considerations it is a STOL 727 using a concept called USB or upper surface blowing. USB was successfully tested on the Boeing QSRA and the Boeing YC-14.” The Boeing 727 is one of my favorite airliners since it looks so majestic. I don’t think I would have the same love if it looked like the model above or like this other funky looking 727 model.

These show what Boeing was looking at with the Boeing 767.

These show what Boeing was looking at with the Boeing 767.

There was a pretty big section of Boeing 767 prototype models in the Boeing archive. There were ones that closely resemble what became the Boeing 767 and others that looked… well, unique. Boeing was playing with the idea of making the 767 being a quad or even tri-jet aircraft. Probably the most interesting Boeing 767 prototype is the one you can see on the right on the photo above and detailed in the photo below.

Check out the sweet waistline on this possible Boeing 767 design.

Check out the sweet waistline on this possible Boeing 767 design.

This was one of my favorite models. That slick waist-line shape would have allowed the plane to travel at near sonic speeds. Lombardi explained why it wasn’t chosen. “Much like the Sonic Cruiser and it did not go forward for the same reasons that the Sonic Cruiser did not go forward – the fuel burn increases dramatically at near sonic/transonic speeds because of the increased drag.” I would imagine the seat layout on the interior would have been interesting and a bit cumbersome.

A model of the Boeing 747 Tri-Jet at the archive.

A model of the Boeing 747 Tri-Jet at the archive.

No matter how many times I have seen the mock ups, the Boeing 747 TriJet always looks odd to me. During the 1970’²s Boeing wanted to better compete with the DC-10 and L1011. The Boeing 747SP was too costly to directly compete, so for a short while, Boeing looked at creating a 747 with three jets instead of the standard four. The design has two jets on the wing and one on the tail in an ’œS’ configuration, much like the L1011. The concept was scrapped since it would take too much time, money, and a new wing design.

Ah, the Boeing 7J7. Wait a second... is that a Boeing 767 with foldable wings?

Ah, the Boeing 7J7. Wait a second... is that a Boeing 767 with foldable wings?

The Boeing archive wouldn’t be complete without a model of the Boeing 7J7. This aircraft was designed in the 1980’s with the idea of replacing the Boeing 727. It used Unducted Fan Engines on the rear of the plane that provided superior fuel economy. Boeing hoped the 7J7 would burn about half the fuel of the Airbus A320 and hoped to revolutionize commercial air travel. A reduction in oil prices and noise concerns ended up killing off the 7J7. Might we see another version of the UFE in the future? I am going to bet on yes.

Be sure to take a look at all 44 photos taken of the Boeing archive.

Inside The Boeing Company Archives