Fires and airplanes. They are a bad mixture and luckily it happens not so often. But when it does, fire crews need to be ready. This video shows the Manchester Airport Fire Department training in November 2006.

Their mock aircraft seems to be the love child of a Boeing 747 and DC-10. The video states the training plane is set a blaze about once per week and they warn incoming passengers it is only for training.

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Niki Airbus A320-214 (OE-LEO) at Frankfurt

Niki Airbus A320-214 (OE-LEO) at Frankfurt

Niki, is an airline based out of Vienna International Airport. It has a fleet of two Airbus A321 (212-seats), six Airbus of the type A320 (180-seats), two Airbus of the type A319 (150-seats), and four Embraer E 190 (104-seats). Each aircraft has a unique name of a dance.  Check out Niki’s fleet page for the names.

The airline was founded by ex-Grand Prix driver, Niki Lauda, who left Lauda Air in 2000. After acquiring Aero Lloyd Austria, he started his new airline. In early 2010 Air Berlin has had a 49.9% stake in the airline.

I am not quite sure about the bug on the front of the livery (anyone have any guesses?). I tried to contact Niki to get an answer, but as of posting this, I have heard nothing.

Image: Axel J

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The nose of a Jetblue Airbus A320

The nose of a Jetblue Airbus A320

Ah, a fight with the significant other. Coming up with a good argument to prove your point is always key. Threatening to crash a plane you will be flying with people aboard is NOT ok.

A JetBlue pilot flying out of Logan Airport in Boston was questioned by the FBI after he sent an email to his girlfriend threatening to crash his plane, if she would not reconcile their relationship. A search of his phone showed that he did send the email and he is currently at a Boston area hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

Bryan Baldwin, manager of corporate communications for JetBlue, wrote in an email to WBZ-TV, “At no point were any customers or aircraft in danger. We are working closely with Boston authorities to ensure our crew member receives appropriate medical attention.”

Most likely just an empty threat, but one that is being taken very seriously.

Image: sfphotocraft

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An American Eagle ERJ-135

An American Eagle ERJ-135

First off, let me say that being an airline pilot is not an easy job. It is very complex, a lot can go wrong and regional pilots are not paid to the level of their talent. However, a few bad apples can make pilots seem unprofessional, which is far from the truth.

That said, none of them should be making such a careless mistake. They go through a lot of training to prepare to handle a difficult situation and more importantly, make sure things don’t go wrong. Each time they fly they hold many lives in their hands.

The Wall Street Journal highlighted two recent incidents of pilots on commuter airlines forgetting to start their second engine during take off. No one was hurt and the takeoffs were successfully aborted, but forgetting to have your engines turned on it is a huge oversight.

Airlines usually use one engine during taxi to conserve on fuel. However, written and verbal checklists (not to mention common sense) ensures that pilots are prepared for takeoff (ie using both engines).

In one case, a pilot for an American Eagle regional jet was flying from Los Angeles to San Diego. He got distracted talking to the control tower and assumed he started the second engine. When trying to take off, he received an automated warning showing the second engine wasn’t to speed and they headed back to the gate. They thought the engine was malfunctioning until mechanics found it was never started (now that’s embarrassing).

American Eagle states the pilots went though additional training and updated their takeoff checklist. Really? I am not quite sure how the updated checklist would help. “Before take off, be sure both engines are running. We REALLY mean it, double check. Did you check? For both? Ready for takeoff? Actually just check one more time to be sure.”

The second incident happened with another regional jet flying for Trans States Airlines (which flies for United and US Airways) at Dulles International Airport. Again the pilot didn’t realize his second engine wasn’t started until they were lined up for takeoff and at full throttle.

Wanting an inside perspective I spoke with a regional jet pilot (who wanted to remain anonymous). She told me, “It’s sad that airlines, in general, are still experiencing a lack of safety issues. We should be more paranoid now than ever before about checklists and procedures. To miss something so crucial is unacceptable. Not all pilots are like this but without a serious change in the industry (ie supporting pilots) stupid mistakes will continue to occur. For the most part, pilots are very safety conscious and overly cautious of everything.”

These recent incidents have raised questions (once again) about commuter carriers. Many people say they are over worked and under paid. But regional jets provide airlines a lower overhead and provide you, the customer, a cheaper ticket.

I don’t know about you, but I am more than willing to pay a few bucks more to make sure airlines hire and keep highly trained and motivated pilots that do not need to be abused to earn their seniority.

Image: caribb

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Southwest Airline's pilot hands out pizza. Awesome!

Southwest Airline's pilot hands out pizza. Awesome!

With all this talk about how airlines treat passengers horribly when they are stranded, good news comes from Southwest Airlines — which earns them an Awesome Medal!

A Southwest flight from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Denver, CO ran into some stormy weather and had to be diverted to Pueblo, CO. Anyone who has been on a diverted flight, knows it is not a fun experience.  But in this instance, the crew stepped up and got the passengers pizza.

I spoke with Chris Mainz, with Southwest, about this unique customer service experience. He pointed out that Pueblo is not an airport usually served by Southwest and it was a team effort between the flight crew and airport personal. I asked if Southwest had any policies regarding what the flight crew should do in these instances and he told me there are no written rules or policies and Southwest trusts their employees to do what is right.

You always hear people complaining about losing the “good ‘ol days of flying,” but dang, I don’t even think airlines of yesteryear did this.

Cheers to the flight crew, Southwest Airlines, and the Pueblo Memorial Airport  for providing this awesome service. This proves you still can have low fares and amazing (I didn’t want to use “awesome” again) customer service!

Source: WSBTV Orig Image: James Mino via WSBTV

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