John F. Kennedy International Airport's control tower with a few jetBlue Airbus A320's in front

John F. Kennedy International Airport's control tower with a few jetBlue Airbus A320's in front

Ah, “Bring Your Kid To Work Day,” is a classic. It is nice  that your children are able to see what mommy and daddy do all day and your co-workers get to meet your little ball of joy you talk about so much.

However there are some jobs that it might be best for your child to skip visiting. On the surface it might seem harmless to bring your child to work if you are an air traffic controller. Maybe during your time off you can show him the view, let him see those big radar screens and listen to some of your co-workers in action.

Well, one traffic controller at JFK wanted his kid to get the full experience and let him talk to pilots. On a recording found on Gadling, it is quite clear the child is talking directly to the pilots, being assisted by his parent. The pilots don’t seem too put off by this, but the FAA sure isn’t amused.

An FAA spokesperson stated, “Pending the outcome of our investigation, the employees involved in this incident are not controlling air traffic. This behavior is not acceptable and does not demonstrate the kind of professionalism expected from all FAA employees.”

Sure, this might have been a little more “fun” at a smaller airport directing Cessna 172’s, not at JFK, directing large Boeing 747’s. I know I would feel a bit more comfortable knowing there aren’t children directing my next flight out of JFK.

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Image: TVL1970
Welcome to Las Vegas! Liquor Store Ahead!

Welcome to Las Vegas! Liquor Store Ahead!

Ah Las Vegas. Gambling, fancy hotels, bunch of college students and of course alcohol (ok the list could go on and on, but we will stop with that). Remember in the olden days how you had to wait to get to downtown before getting sloshed? That time between your buzz wearing off from your $6 beer from the plane and having to take a cab all the way downtown? How many times have you been waiting for your bag and thought, “dang, I sure could use a Jaeger shot right about now.” I know…LAME! Well have no worry — the Vegas airport is here to help.

The McCarran International Airport is proposing to open a liquor store in baggage claim. That’s right! This would be the first airport to have a true liquor store. Sure you have those duty free stores and bars, but this you can buy full bottles and take them with you (or finish them before leaving the airport).

Steven Sisolak, a Clark County Commissioner stated, ’œOh, I know it will be a gold mine for some liquor store, but does this mean we’ll do anything for money?’

Seriously? Does this guy know Vegas? It is based on making money! He continues, ’œWhat’s next? Airport strip clubs? Topless bars? Is that appropriate for county property? I mean, that’s ’˜out-of-the-box’ thinking, too.’ Maybe, but really alcohol is already served on planes and in bars, is a liquor store really that much of a jump?

Sisolak also states he is worried about travelers drinking the alcohol in public and having public drunkenness. But isn’t that pretty standard in Vegas, people walking around quite buzzed with a drink in hand?

The airport is hoping this might bring in some extra cash. “We’re strapped for cash just like every other county department, and because of the smoking ban our gaming revenue has gone down and advertising has been a little slow,’ said Elaine Sanchez, airport spokeswoman. ’œWe believe, in hard times, this is a good idea.’

What do you think? Is this a good idea?

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Source: Las Vegas Sun Image: lonnypaul
"Deltalina" who stars in Delta's safety videos says "no fighting on the plane"

"Deltalina" who stars in Delta's safety videos says "no fighting on the plane"

Stories of passengers getting all riled up on a flight are not too rare. However, having two flight attendants getting into a fight and canceling a flight are pretty rare.

Two flight attendants, with some obvious issues, were aboard Delta Connection (run by Pinnacle Airlines) flight 887 from Rochester, NY to Atlanta and decided to get into a fight.

We aren’t talking about using mere words, one of the passengers, Steve Mazur witnessed that the two flight attendants, “got into a fistfight on the plane.” The Captain wanted nothing of this, but instead of just kicking off the flight attendants, everyone on the plane was told they needed to get off.

A spokesperson for Pinnacle Airlines states there was no physical contact made between the flight attendants, but only a “verbal disagreement.” Either way, the flight attendants will not be working until this is all sorted out.

Delta worked with the kicked off passengers to arrange other flights to their final destination.

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Source: AJC
Germanwings Airbus A319 (D-AKNF) with Park Inn Hotels livery

Germanwings Airbus A319 (D-AKNF) with Park Inn Hotels livery

I love special liveries. I am even ok when a livery advertises something to make the airline a little money. However, some liveries just go too far and I think this might be one of them.

First of all, it almost gives me a headache to read what the side of the plane says. Secondly, I just get confused looking at a head-on shot of the plane. Third…well I hate to admit it, but it does get my attention.

By looking at the livery you surely know it is advertising the Park Inn Hotels which love their nice colored boxes. But it might take a little more searching to find the airline flying this plane  (hint: check the engines).

This is an Airbus A319 flying for the airline Germanwings. The airline is based out of Germany and is a low-frills airline. It has a fleet of about 25 Airbus A319’s and flies to just over 65 destinations.

The airline is known for its special liveries. You can check out their T-Mobile airline livery, the popular Bearbus livery, the other T-Mobile livery,  the HamburgShopper livery, the “Mhhhh, Baden-Wurttemberg” livery and I kind of like their “normal” livery.

Wow, that is seven airline liveries in just one post. That has to set a new record!

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Image: Martin Third Av’n

On April 29, 2007 a Thomson Airways Boeing 757, flight 253H, was taking off from Manchester Airport on its way to Spain when a bird (most people said a heron, but it looks black and smaller to me) got sucked into its starboard engine.  The video shows the bird going in, the flame out and the plane landing safely at Manchester Airport.

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