V Australia Boeing 777 coming in to land at LAX
Can you keep track of all the Virgin airlines that are out there now? Yes, the ones that are “Virgin ______” are easy to tell, but some aren’t so easy.
V Australia gives a big hint with the big “V”.The airline is the “sister” to Virgin Blue. The airline departs from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and flies to LAX and Phuket. Flights to Fiji will start on December 18th and they hope to get to Johannesburg by March 2010.
Virgin Blue put the name of the new airline up to vote. The final name choices were: Matilda Blue, V Australia, Australia Blue, Virgin Pacific, Amelia Blue, Didgeree Blue, Liberty Blue, and Virgin Australia. Of course V Australia won and they named their first plane after the 2nd place name, Digeree Blue.
They currently run four Boeing 777-300ER’s in a 3 class layout. Any guesses on what the next Virgin airline wil be called?
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Image: Bob the Airplane Nut
Being a flight attendant can be a very stressful job. I know when I am having a bad day I like to have a little space. I couldn’t imagine dealing with a bad day locked in a tube 30,000 feet in the air with 300 needy people.
However, it is a job and one should not be putting their personal issues out on customers. The Consumerist goes into great detail what happened in the incident. It is a good read, but a little dramatic. After reading that, then make sure to also read Heather Poole’s (she’s a flight attendant) response to the incident. She points out that 1 bad incident over 27,300 flight legs aren’t bad odds — which is very true.
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ZA001, taken during Aviation Geekfest.
That’s right folks. According to Jon Ostrower with Flight Blogger, Boeing OFFICIALLY announced the first flight of the long anticipated Boeing 787 Dreamliner will be taking to the air on December 15th at 10am (as long as the weather participates).
I feel very lucky and privileged that I will be there during the first flight and I will, of course, be covering it via Twitter, pictures and video. Don’t worry, if you have a few extra bucks laying around you get be there too.
UPDATE: 8:09PST: Boeing is officially announcing it on their main page and their NewAirplane.com site.
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Image: ImperfectSense

Braniff International knew how to do it right!
My mom (Jennifer Brown) loves to support my blogging efforts, but she isn’t the biggest fan of aviation (well she LOVES birds, but that is a whole other story). A lot of our conversations about airlines comes back to how everything was different when she was younger and that “my generation just doesn’t understand.” She is kind of right. Sure I can read the history books and look at the old video and pictures, but it is not the same as being there. She has written for the blog before and I invited her to talk a little bit about her experience with flying. Here is her story:
My first flight was in 1962. I was 14 years old and my family was flying from Denver to Indianapolis via Chicago. But that flight was not my first experience with flying. My dad was a businessman who had to fly often. The rest of my family would take him to the airport and that was an adventure in itself. Back then in the late 50’s and 60’s, you never just dropped someone off at the airport. Of course there was no security. So we would all go in with him, walk to the gate, watch him walk across the tarmac to the plane (no jet tunnels back then). We would watch him climb the stairs to the plane, waving madly. Then after he was on board, we would hope he’d have a seat on the terminal side of the plane so we could wave some more. You never left the gate until the plane was in the air and a mere dot in the sky. Often we would have dinner at the airport-a true family outing.
Those trips to the airport made me long to fly! How exciting it would be! However, back then flying was rare for middle-income families. It was mainly for business or the rich or emergencies. In fact when I took take my first flight in 1962, it was to be with family at Christmas because my mother had died.
During the 60’s and 70’s, I probably did fly more than most people for various reasons. And now that I can look back on that time and compare it to now, I have noticed some differences.
One difference was that there were not many choices. If you wanted to fly from point A to Point B, there were usually only one or maybe two airlines to choose from. There were also fewer flights. People were also loyal to airlines. If you wanted to book a ticket, you had to go through a travel agent or sometimes actually go to the airport to pick up your ticket. Airlines didn’t have 1-800 numbers and of course no Internet to check for deals. There were no deals.
The first deal I ever remember was in the late 60’s. I think it was Frontier Airlines who had a half-fare stand-by for students. At the time, my sister and I were in college in Colorado and would fly to St. Louis where our dad lived. It was perfect for us, so we used to race down to the Denver airport, hoping we’d get on. Otherwise, we’d have to drive across the plains. I used to count the windows of the plane, multiply by four, and then count the people at the gate to figure out if we’d make it. We always did!
Flying was an event-not just a way to get to a destination. People who flew dressed up-no jeans or T-shirts. I still cannot wear jeans when I fly. The stewardesses [Gosh mom they like to be called “flight attendants” now 🙂 -David] were all young and pretty. It was a high status job and many young girls aspired to being one. The food service had real food on real plates and silverware and was included in the fare.
I know there have been a lot of changes to flying since then. I think most of the changes started in the 80’s when deregulation of the airlines began, but I’m not an expert.
I think we all know what it’s like to fly now. To me flying is no longer an adventure but an ordeal. I think that passengers nowadays are driven more by the price of the flight instead of the ’œexperience’. And the consumer usually gets what they pay for.
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Image: The Braniff Pages

A few from the farside of the Future of Flight's Strato Deck, over looking Paine Field, where the Boeing 787 will take flight for the first time.
You can feel the energy building in the Seattle area for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s first flight. Even though Boeing is stating they are giving a week’s notice for the first flight, I am not so sure that’s true. Things seem to be in motion and I wouldn’t be surprised if the 787 will take flight sometime next week.
If you are planning to be in the Seattle area, you have the opportunity to get VIP tickets to view the first flight from the Future of Flight’s Strato Deck. There will be food, drinks, some very interesting people and of course the best view of the Boeing 787 taking flight! Tickets are only $250.00, which is a DEAL for this once in a lifetime event. Check out their website for more information and how to get your tickets. Hurry, no one knows when the first flight will happen!
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