Air France's new Boeing 777 sporting their new livery
Back in April a few milestones happened with one plane. Boeing was able to deliver its 777th Boeing 777 and Air France was able to show off its new livery. Overall, a very minor evolution from Air France’s previous livery.
Image: alexisced73

Does Southwest Airlines giving out free drink coupons help them to acheive #1 status?
According to the Customer Service Satisfaction Index, airline passengers feel the airlines are doing a 3.2% better job in customer service compared to the year before.
Although fees are up, the numbers of passengers are down. This means less lines, fewer bumped people, and more room since you might have no one sitting in the center seat.
Southwest Airlines was #1 for customer satisfaction for the 16th year in a row with it’s highest rating ever. The biggest gainers were Delta Airlines, US Airways, and Continental who improved by margins of 6.7% to 9.7%. American Airlines saw the largest decrease (3.2%) and United Airlines ended with the lowest overall score for the year.
It will be interesting to see if the airlines can keep this positive trend going, since hopefully by next year we’ll have a strong economy and fuller planes (and lines).
Source: USA Today Image: tsmyther
As the blog grows, we want to keep adding new and fun features to the blog. There have been some smaller changes and it might be hard for people to notice an easier to use layout, but there are some more obvious things that I wanted to point out:
- SHARE items that interest you on a blog. On the bottom left of each entry you can see different ways in which you can share. Either, Digg, Facebook, Fark, and maybe more.
- TWITTER. We now have a twitter account and will post when there are new postings and some random thoughts. FOLLOW THE AIRLINE BLOG!
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- GRAVATAR. Want a nifty picture next to your comments? All you have to do is set up one Gravatar account and upload on image and it will show up on any WordPress blog (ie CrankyFlier or Delta Blog) you comment on. No need to add a picture on each blog you read!
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- AWESOMENESS. Well this is not really new, but we will continue to keep adding on to it!
Stay tuned. We will continue to grow and add new content, new blog authors, interesting series, more videos, interviews with airline industry insiders, and much more! Any suggestions or story ideas, you are always welcome to email da***@th************.com.

A dramatic view of the Grand Tetons immediately after stepping out of door 1L on an American Airlines Boeing 757-200 at Jackson Hole Airport (JAC/KJAC) in Wyoming.
The 57 year old pilot was supposed to be taking 204 passengers from London’s Heathrow to Chicago yesterday on flight AA87. Before the flight could take off, security staff alerted police who administered a breathalyzer that the pilot failed. The flight was delayed, but was able to take off after finding a replacement pilot.
Source: MSNBC Image: matt.hintsa

Oakland Airport Security Line
There are a lot of TSA stories out there recently. MMV “underwear” looking technology, have to put your shoes directly on the belt, and now you must use all three of your names when making airline reservations.
Some security measures I understand, but others leave me wondering if they provide real security or just a false sense of security? Ok, is it that much work for me to write out my middle name on my reservations? Or is it that hard for me to put my shoes directly on the xray belt? No, probably not, but I am a frequent traveller and try to pay attention to the newest rules.
Even though the “laptop in a bin”, your “3oz of liquids in a ziploc” and “have your boarding pass out so 2 people can check it” rules have been around a long time, many people still have a hard time understanding the rules. Are changing them frequently going to speed up the security lines? What happens for people that don’t have middle names? Are they going to be security checked?
The government contends these changes will increase security and will reduce mistakes. The three names will limit the mistakes of people being on the “Do Not Fly” list. Opponents worry that fliers will just be losing more privacy and not gaining any new security.
Hopefully this is the last TSA security changes until at least August when I get to blog about them requiring your birth date and gender when booking a flight too.
Image: tigerpaw511