I know this might be a bit old for some of you who have seen it on other sites, but maybe it has been long enough where you can once again enjoy it :).
An ad for Air New Zealand showing they have nothing to hide, not even their bodies.
I know this might be a bit old for some of you who have seen it on other sites, but maybe it has been long enough where you can once again enjoy it :).
An ad for Air New Zealand showing they have nothing to hide, not even their bodies.
Test Pilot Captain Keith Pattie, right, Air New Zealand's Chief Pilot Captain David Morgan, left, pose with the company's CEO , Rob Fyfe before their test of a Bio Fuel mixture in the left hand engine of Boeing 747 in Auckland, New Zealand
Back in late 2008 I talked about how Boeing was working with Continental Airlines on an algae-based bio fuel.
On Thursday Bill Blover, managing director of environmental strategy for Boeing Commercial Planes stated the new fuel could be approved and in commercial flights as early as early 2010. He states the technology is ready, but there isn’t enough plant stock yet to create enough fuel.
The New York Times reportsthat Boeing has been working with four airlines on four different fuel mixtures, “Virgin Atlantic flight using a coconut- and babassu-derived biofuel blend; an Air New Zealand flight using a jatropha-derived biofuel blend; a Continental Airlines flight using a blend of algae- and jatropha-derived biofuel; and a Japan Airlines flight using an algae-, jatropha- and camelina-derived biofuel blend.”
Air New Zealand showed a 1% improvement in fuel efficiency which might not sound like a lot, but a large jet burning fuel on a 12 hour flight, equates to about a savings of 1.43 metric tons of fuel and 4.5 metric tons of reduced carbon dioxide. Multiply that by the amount of flights going on globally on any given day, and that ads up to a lot of savings.
Even though we might start seeing some new biofuel in some jets starting in early 2010, they will still have to fight production ability and being cost effective compared to jet fuel and if the economy is down, it is most likely airlines won’t be willing to pay a premium for green fuel.
Image: AP Photo/NZ Herald, Paul EstcourtChecking over at CrankyFlier.com noticed that Brett (the cranky flier himself) got a great interview with Air New Zealand’s CEO Rob Fyfe.
An interesting tid-bit? Air New Zealand’s new check-in policy is letting people arrive 15-20min before departure and getting on the plane with no problems. Want to know how? Then…
Air New Zealand Boeing 747-400 with love
Talking to someone on a long flight can provide entertainment, but can it find love? Air New Zealand is hoping so. This October they are having a “matchmaking flight” from LAX to New Zealand. The experience will start with a pre-gate party at LAX, a luxurious flight with drinks, food, and games, followed by a Matchmaking Ball at Auckland’s SkyTower.
Feel that might not be enough time to meet the perfect person? Air New Zealand has created their own website TheMatchmakingFlight.com where you can start finding that perfect someone now.
Prices range from $780 to $1100+ depending on when you return and your options. Probably some cheaper ways to find love, but not as cool.
Source: Straits Times via Airline World Image: TheMatchmakingFlight.com