British Airways Boeing 757-200 (G-CPET) in retro Negus & Negus colors. Click for larger.
For me, liveries seem to always look better on a Boeing 757. What better combination of a nice retro livery on a Boeing 757. Unfortunately, this livery is to commemorate the wonderful service the Boeing 757 has given British Airways, since they plan on retiring them shortly.
British Airways has received their second new Boeing 777-300ER and plan to use the additional ones on order to replace the Boeing 757 by the end of the month.
The airline was the global launch customer when the first Boeing 757 took to the skies in 1983 and grew to a fleet that was 54 strong. The aircraft became a familiar sight to customers on British Airways’ shorthaul and domestic network. Three now remain, all of which entered service in 1997.
One of them, G-CPET, has been painted in the origional livery the Boeing 757’s flew in 1983, the “Negus & Negus” livery. So where did the livery get that name? British Airways told me it came from the design house that worked on the livery.
The remaining 757’s will be sold for cargo use, so they will at least still be flying for quite some time!
More please:
* 99 Photos of G-CPET during its life on Airliners.net
* Video of the airplane landing with retro livery
* Photo of the Lockheed L1011 in the Negus & Negus livery (which is my favorite combo with British Airways)

Kyrgyzstan Tupolev Tu-154M
If you like old school liveries on old-time Russian birds, do I have an airline for you! Kyrgyzstan Airlines has a great combination of a bunch of different aircraft types and different liveries.
The airline is based in Bishkek, Krygyzstan and offers service to Russia, China, Tajikistan UAE, India, Pakistan and Uzbekistan.
Their English version of the website doesn’t seem to be working and I can’t find too much information why there are so many livery types for an airline that has only been around since 2001. I am assuming they are liveries of previous airlines they purchased their aircraft from.
I kind of prefer the blue tail the best, but it looks to be an older style livery. Here are just some of the more interesting combinations I found:
* TU-154 with mutli-color livery
* TU-134 in multi-color livery
* Blue tail Yak-40
* TU-154 with blue tail
* Airbus A320 with blue tail
* TU-154 in a very old Russian-style looking livery
* TU-134 in the same old style livery
* Mostly white TU-154
* Boeing 737 that matches the colors and “AK” on their website
* Boeing 737-200 in a totally different livery
Blog Image: Osdu

How well did you do in this airline livery challenge?
YES! I did it. I made a very challenging Ultimate Livery Challenge that few people could get. However, maybe that is not the best way to do it, since I want more people to be able to enjoy. Anyhow, I knew this one was going to be difficult, but holy cow some people got them all right.
Click on the photographer’s name to see the full version photo.
#1 China Soutwest Airlines Boeing 737-300. Photo by AlainDurand.
#2: AeroPeru DC-8-62. Photo by Savas Garozis.
#3: Air Mauritius Airbus A340-300. Photo by Thomas Becker.
#4: Ecuatoriana Airbus A310-300. Photo by Axel J.
#5: Kar Air Airbus A300-200. Photo by Jordi757.
#6: Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 737-200. Photo by AlainDurand.
#7: Bulgarian Airlines Ilyushin IL-18V. Photo by RAScholefield.
#8: Nigeria Airways DC-10-30. Photo by Savvas Garozis.
#9: Buzz Boeing 737-300. Photo by Helmut Bierbaum.
#10: L’Avion Boeing 757-200. Photo by Kurt Greul.
So who were the livery-nerds who got them right?
* Gordon W (@GordonWerner): he is the only person to get all three livery challenges with aircraft types correct.
* Liz M (@ImperfectSense): not only did she get all the liveries, but she also got all the aircraft types.
Those semi livery-nerds with 5 or more correct:
* Patrick O: 9
* Ben W: 9
* Rory M: 8
* Raul G: 6
* Michael K: 6
* Robin J: 5
The winners will be mailed prizes and heck, since this one was so difficult, I am going to send AirlineReporter.com stickers to everyone who got five or more correct!

Air Finland's new livery on a Boeing 757
I love it when an airline has a snoozers livery and turns it into a WOW livery. Found some mock-ups on Airliners.net and couldn’t help by share. Take a look at their currently livery. It is not the world’s worst, but definitly not inspiriting. Of course any livery in an air-to-air shot with a Boeing 757 is going to look good. Seeing the livery on the ground isn’t as exciting.
Air Finland is based at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport in Vantaa, Finland. They have a flee of three Boeing 757-200s that they use in scheduled and charter flights. They were founded in 2002 and started flights in 2003. From Europe they fly to Africa, Canada and Mexico.
UPDATE: The first Boeing 757 has been painted. Here is a photo of the actual plane. Wow, I almost think it looks better in real life vs the mock up! Thanks @APGPhoto.
More good stuff:
* All three Boeing 757’s in current livery photo
* What the three 757’s will look like in new livery
* Larger version of image used in the blog
* Why don’t more airlines do this? 360deg interior tour of their cabin
Click for a larger version
I guess the big news should be that the merger between United Airlines and Continental Airlines has gone through. yea, that is big news, the new United is now the largest airline in the world. However, this wasn’t a big shock it was going through. I am a bit more excited about these six photos of the new combined livery.
Hmm. When I saw the mock-up on the Boeing 787 I really liked it, especially with the new font. Now, I don’t know what to think seeing it on a real Boeing 737. Well my first reaction is it looks like a Continental Boeing 737 with the wrong title on it. Nothing that different or radical.
I think I will hold my final reaction with a bit more time. Right now my mind is having a hard time processing “United” on the side of a plane with Continental livery. I am sure after seeing it for a while it will start to look normal. I mean I really like the Continental livery and I like the look of this livery, I just think my brain is having a hard time computing the combination. I didn’t think I would miss the current United livery, but I think I might miss it a bit now.
What are your thoughts?
UPDATE: check out the livery in United Express set up and the new livery on a Boeing 757.