Star Peru Airlines Boeing 737-200 0B-1841-P
Star Peru is a low cost airline based in Lima, Peru. They only have a fleet of five aircraft, five BAE 146’s and one Boeing 737-200. They serve 11 airports all with-in Peru. The airline started in 1997 with a single Antonov An-32 for cargo and charter and expanded to commercial passengers in 2004 with their purchase of the Boeing 737-200.
Image: Savvas
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Kuban Airlines Boeing 737-300 (VQ-BHD) with sunflower livery
Kuban Airlines was founded back in 1932 as a division of Aeroflot, in Krasnodar, Russia. In 1992 it was mostly privatized with the state owning 51% and the employees owning 49%.
This February Kuban Airlines added three Boeing 737-300’s to its fleet with a brand new livery. The airline also flies 12 flew Yakovlev Yak-42D’s in their old livery. They fly to about 18 domestic destinations, but will also fly chartered international flights.
If you know Russian, you can learn more about them on their website.
Thanks Yvette for this find!
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Image: Tristar Images

Here are the answers -- did you guess right?
Had a lot of great guesses from people on the photo livery quiz. You can see the answers above. Most people made the same mistake I did on the last one. I thought it was USAir, but if you look closely this was a bare-metal plane from American, with Southwest’s livery painted on it. You can read more about these planes and see larger photos on Southwest Airline’s blog.
Winners of being big airline livery nerds:
* TxAgFlyer
* DCSpotter
* Patrick Olave
* Unregistered user #473787 on the Seattle PI
Nice job folks. There were quite a few others that only got one wrong.
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Croatia Airlines Airbus A320 (9A-CTF)
Can anyone take a guess where Croatia Airlines might be based? If you guessed Croatia, give yourself a pat on the back. The airline is based at Zagreb Airport and is a part of the Star Alliance.
They have a fleet mostly Airbus A320/A319, but also four Bombardier Dash 8 Q400’s. They fly to just under 30 destinations and have been in operation since 1989.
The airline started running cargo for UPS using Cessna 402 aircraft. At the time the airline was called Zagreb Airlines. After the first democratic elections were held in Croatia, the name was changed to Croatia Airlines in 1990. In 1991, Coatia Airlines leased a MD-82 and started passenger service.
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Image: johannes pape
Often an airline will purchase or lease an aircraft from another airline and keep the majority of the previous livery until it is re-painted or the lease is over. The result is a mixture of two airline liveries and are treasures of airline nerds. Southwest Airlines recently took a look back at some of interim liveries of the past. I thought it would be interesting to see who can match the livery with the previous airline the aircraft was with.
Without cheating, how many liveries can you match with the previous airline? It is ok to guess and be wrong (I guess one wrong myself — oops)

PLANE #1: This Boeing 737-200 photo was taken in 1991

PLANE #2: This Boeing 737-200 was first leased in 1983, then purchased by Southwest in 1984

PLANE #3 This Boeing 737-200 was leased by Southwest for about a year in 1987-88

Plane #4: This Boeing 737-200 is unique not having the white "Southwest" on the tail due to the tail being white

Plane #5: This Boeing 737-300 is pretty tricky (and the one I missed)
I will give you the weekend to guess in the comments and on Monday I will reveal the answers. Prizes? I will give you a shout out and you will have the satisfaction of being a true airline livery nerd!
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Images from Southwest Airlines