Browsing Tag: ANA

It is hard to believe that it has been over two weeks since I took a ride on All Nippon Airways (ANA) second Boeing 787 Dreamliner (JA802A). Since then I have finally been able to get my video done (which is shared in this story) and it has allowed me to think more about flying on the 787 Dreamliner. I also reached out to a few others who were able to take a flight that week and see what their thoughts are after having a bit of time to mentally digest.

When flying in the 787 I knew it was different. It took off very smoothly and it was quiet as I expected it would be. I didn’t fully appreciate how nice it was until my flight home. The day after the 787 excursion, I was on a ANA Boeing 777-300ER back to LA. The 777 is by no means a bad aircraft and it seemed amazing when I flew to Tokyo, but it seemed very different on the way home. This was the exact same plane that I flew from LAX to Tokyo just a few days earlier. On my 777  flight to Japan, the 777 seemed new, fresh and comfortable. But flying on it after the 787, it now seemed outdated, cramped and not nearly as nice.

To be fair, this 777 did not have ANA’s newest staggered business class product, but the current one is not horrid. I think my perception of my 777 flight to Japan versus going home was a real eye opener on how different the 787 is to the airline business. In the words of Reading Rainbow, “But you don’t have to take my word for it…”

Mount Fuji seen from ANA's second Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Mount Fuji seen from ANA's second Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Guy Norris, who writes for Aviation Week and is @AvWeekGuy on Twitter: What was your favorite part of the 787 flight?
Norris: The fact that despite I was with 240 of my newest, closest friends, the big windows and open architecture made the cabin feel larger than it actually was. The smoothness of the flight and the skyline of the windows gave the unusual sensation of almost flying in a dirigible – like a luxury airship. I didn’t expect that. Interestingly I found the light control on the window shade very useful for modulating light levels – like having sets of giant sunglasses with various tint levels.

Was it what you thought it would be?
It was just what I hoped – and expected.

Will it be difficult to fly on non-787 aircraft now?
It already is!

The view of the wing from the lavatory. Not too bad eh?

The view of the wing from the lavatory. Not too bad eh?

Chris Sloan who writes for Airways Magazine, runs and is President/Owner of 2c Media: What was your favorite part of the 787 flight?
Sloan: I was absolutely in awe of that raked wing. Watching all the control surfaces react to gusts and chop was mesmerizing to me. I think you commented in a post how it’s difficult to appreciate from in-cabin just how curved up the dihedral is. I agree. The in-flight entertainment of the wing could not be beat. The positive, upbeat, convivial atmosphere of passengers and crew in being a part of history was equally wonderful to the aircraft itself.

Was it what you thought it would be?
I wouldn’t say anything could be better. As I think many of us have remarked, had the flight been the longer-haul, we would have been able to discern the affects on the lower pressurization and higher humidity on our well-being. It was very difficult to tell after just a 4 1/2 hour flight. I also actually wished for turbulence just to feel more of the gust suppression system’s affect. It really couldn’t have been better, well maybe… just a bit if I were sitting in Business Class…but I’m not complaining!

Will it be difficult to fly on non-787 aircraft now?
I flew back on an ANA Boeing 777-300ER. The service and aircraft were superb, so I wasn’t feeling any pain, but perhaps the question should be ’œwill it be difficult to fly on a non-ANA, ordinary flight?’ Now if I am an airline, I would say I would want every aircraft in my medium haul fleet to be a 787 to start reaping those savings now.

ANA's first 787 Dreamliner (JA801A) sits in the background at their second (JA802A) waits to take us for a ride.

ANA's first 787 Dreamliner (JA801A) sits in the background at their second (JA802A) waits to take us for a ride.

When I first started this blog a little over three years ago, I never thought I would be one of the first people to ever fly on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This truly is a dream (liner) come true.

A nice little rainbow surprise when boarding the ANA 787 Dreamliner. This is not a standard lighting configuration, but it sure is groovy.

A nice little rainbow surprise when boarding the ANA 787 Dreamliner. This is not a standard lighting configuration, but it sure is groovy.

Over the years, I have closely followed the 787, through its many ups and downs and I was honored to be invited to Tokyo to take an excursion flight around Japan. The night before the flight I received little sleep and was up at 4 am, like a kid on Christmas.

JA802A is begging to go for a ride.

JA802A is begging to go for a ride.

On Wednesday, October 27th, the 787 Dreamliner (JA801A) had its first revenue flight from Narita International Airport (NRT) to Hong Kong International Airport (HGK), but my experience was a bit different. Our flight was on JA802A, ANA’s second 787, which took off from NRT and experienced a 90 minute excursion, including flying over Mount Fuji — pretty rad.

We are on our way. Even though I did not have a window seat, I could see outside quite well. A Delta Air Lines Boeing 747-400 at Narita can be seen.

We are on our way. Even though I did not have a window seat, I could see outside quite well. A Delta Air Lines Boeing 747-400 at Narita can be seen.

I had been on JA802A just a few weeks prior, while it sat at Paine Field, but this was much different. The energy being on JA802A with “real” passengers, when we are about ready to lift off was palatable. The flight contained some ANA VIP customers, representatives that ANA works closely with, the winners of ANA’s 787 photo contest and only four media representatives.

I was sitting in 9D, which is the inner aisle seat on the left side ( already has its ANA 787 seating chart up), but I still had ample opportunity to look out the 787’s larger windows.

The plane will filled with a mixture of different people. I had seat 9D, which was the left side aisle seat.

The plane was filled with a mixture of different people. I had seat 9D, which was the left side aisle seat.

“Please be seated, we are about to take off,” never sounded so good. After a short taxi, the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines started to spool up and what a glorious sound. Do not worry, it stayed very quiet in the cabin, but you could still enjoy the unique sound that the Dreamliner engines provide.

The 787’s take off was a smooth experience and I didn’t feel pinned to my seat, like on many other aircraft. The sound and ease of take off, felt very similar to the A380 (but the 787 was a bit quicker). As we lifted off, the passengers clapped and cheered — we were off!

This photo does not do the wing justice. The bend is MUCH more impressive in person.

This photo does not do the wing justice. The bend is MUCH more impressive in person.

I was really looking forward  to seeing how the 787’s wing looked from inside the cabin while flying. The good news is it looked as cool as I was hoping; the bad news was the photo does not do it justice. The wing had an unbelievable bow, like I have never seen before. Airlines really should put a sign at the windows over the wings that state, “The wings are supposed to do that.” I can’t wait to see what they look like in turbulence.

I should have drank more water before the flight so I could have tried out the bathroom with a window. Just took photos instead.

I should have drunk more water before the flight so I could have tried out the bathroom with a window. Just took photos instead.

The flight was only 90 minutes and that didn’t leave a heck of a lot of time. I was up and down the aisles taking photos and videos, checking the views outside, the lavatory with a view and playing around with the in-flight entertainment system. I could have been on the plane for ten hours and still wanted more.

Mount Fuji as seen from ANA's second 787 Dreamliner (JA802A)

Mount Fuji as seen from ANA's second 787 Dreamliner (JA802A)

So, the big question is, “Was it what you thought it was going to be?” Yes — the Dreamliner is an incredible aircraft that will evolutionize air travel for many passengers. On paper, I think the Dreamliner will help to revolutionize airline transport due to a large leap in technology, efficiency and cabin comfort, but for most passengers they aren’t going to notice all the changes — but that is not a bad thing.

Sticker on the Dreamliner! Don't worry ANA, I took it down :).

Check the sticker on the Dreamliner! Don't worry ANA, I took it down.

For me and probably for most of you airline fans, the changes will easily be noticed. However, for the average passenger, they will feel the 787 just provided them with a great flight, but might not realize why.  When airlines moved from props to jets, it was quite obvious of large change, but it is not as obvious with the 787 Dreamliner.

Narita International Airport, as seen from the 787 Dreamliner.

Haneda Airport, as seen from the 787 Dreamliner.

All that being said, I firmly believe the 787 Dreamliner will be the new standard in world travel. It is comfortable, quiet and beautiful. I feel that this aircraft will make many frequent fliers change their top airline choices based on the Dreamliner product.

My first flight on the Dreamliner was unreal, but I can’t wait to try one of a real, “normal,” scheduled flight to put it to the real test. It is great to think that in only a few short years, these Dreamliners will be flying all over the world — a world that I am excited to experience.

After landing back at Narita, I really did not want to get off the 787, but they made me.

After landing back at Narita, I really did not want to get off the 787, but they made me.


More Boeing 787 Dreamliner Stuff:
* Interior photo tour of JA802A while at Paine Field

* Jon Ostrower’s photos on his FlightBlogger site
* Photos and story from Ben M on USA Today
Chris Sloan, Media
* Video and photos from Guy Norris with Aviation Week

First 787 Delivery on September 27, 2011. Photo by Boeing. Click for larger.

First 787 Delivery on September 27, 2011. Photo by Boeing. Click for larger.

ANA will be operating a special charter flight to Hong Kong on Wednesday the 27th (today local time in Japan). You will find that many of your airline favorites (aka @FlightBlogger@TodayintheSky, etc) will be on that flight.

I am doing something a little different with also doing a destination piece on Tokyo, so I will be taking the excursion flight on Friday October 28th. This flight will consist of about a 90 minute flight including flying over Mount Fuji. The coverage will start at about 7pm PDT on Thursday October 27th (we are 16 hours ahead in Japan vs Seattle).

I am looking forward to it all!


During ANA’s delivery events, media was invited to take a tour of JA802A, the second 787 Dreamliner that will be delivered to ANA. Here are some of the photos:

JA802A sitting on the tarmac at Paine Field in Everett, WA. It has the same special 787 livery as the first 787 for ANA, JA801A.

JA802A sitting on the tarmac at Paine Field in Everett, WA. It has the same special 787 livery as the first 787 for ANA, JA801A.

The best seats in the house. This is the cockpit of the 787 with large "glass" screen. Who wants to go for a ride?

The best seats in the house. This is the cockpit of the 787 with large "glass" screen. Who wants to go for a ride?

The Boeing flight line from the flight deck window of the 787 Dreamliner. Next door is Lufthansa's first Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental.

The Boeing flight line from the flight deck window of the 787 Dreamliner. Next door is Lufthansa's first Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental.

The inside of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner feels roomy and provides a lot of natural light. All the windows were set by the master controls for a partial tint.

The inside of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner feels roomy and provides a lot of natural light. All the windows were set by the master controls for a partial tint.

Each window has five different tint settings. These windows show three of the settings. Even with the darkest setting, you can still see outside.

Each window has five different tint settings. These windows show three of the settings. Even with the darkest setting, you can still see outside.


ANA's first Boeing 787 Dreamliner (JA801A) waits in the dark next to the Future of Flight

ANA's first Boeing 787 Dreamliner (JA801A) waits in the dark next to the Future of Flight

It was cold, dark and windy, but all worth it to catch the delivery flight of All Nippon Airways’ (ANA) first Boeing 787 Dreamliner delivery flight.

Media watches on as ANA's first 787 gets pushed back.

Media watches on as ANA's first 787 gets pushed back.

ANA’s first 787 (JA801A was parked next to the Future of Flight as airline employees loaded up and prepared for their flight to Haneda (HND). The flight was scheduled to take off around 6:35am, but was delayed a bit until about 7:15am. This was okay, since it allowed a little more light before lift off.  The aircraft lined up and took off heading south. After lift off, the pilots waved the wings to say good bye.

JA801A lines up for take off at Paine Field.

JA801A lines up for take off at Paine Field.

It was very emotional for Boeing employees who were gathered on the Strato Deck on top of the Future of Flight. Some had tears of happiness, since so much of their life has been tied up in making the 787 successful.

ANA pilots wave the wings as they head off to Japan.

ANA pilots wave the wings as they head off to Japan.

JA801A will be arriving in Tokyo just before 9am local time to another great celebration. You can follow the flight status on