Browsing Tag: Boeing 747-8

Today, Glenn Farley with KING5 (local NBC station) posted this great video about what happens with the Boeing 747-8 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Eastern Washington.

When a new Boeing aircraft takes off from Paine Field (in Everett, WA) they often will make their way east to Grant County International Airport. Once a former Air Force base, it covers 4,700 acres and has five runways. With being so large (it is an alternative landing site for the Space Shuttle) and not being very busy, it is the perfect testing grounds for some of the world’s largest aircraft.

Even though there are no passengers waiting to get on the the Boeing 747-8, the ground crew rush to start their work and prepare the airliner for the next set of tests.

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Boeing 747-8 RC521 First Flight from David Brown on Vimeo.

Today the third (although it was the second one made) Boeing 747-8 Freighter (N5017Q) took to the sky. The first flew on February 8th and the second just took off on March 14th. I missed the second take off, but was able to make it to the Future of Flight to see RC521 take to the skies earlier today.

At the time of posting this, the 747-8 did a loop over the Olympic Peninsula and now is headed towards Moses Lake, WA. When watching the video, be sure to hear all the frek’n frogs that were croaking by the Future of Flight.


More Good Stuff:
* My iPhone video of Dreamlifter taking off earlier in the day
* Video from Future of Flight of the takeoff
* Taxi test video taken by the Future of Flight
* Video from the Everett Herald of the flight

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787 ZA003 First Flight from Liz Matzelle on Vimeo.

Sigh. I really should have my own photos and video of today’s two flights. But my car had other plans. I was on a camping trip this weekend, with every intention to make it back to the Future of Flight in time for ZA003 Boeing 787 Dreamliner to take flight and then watch the second Boeing 747-8 to take off. However my car broke down and had to be towed 75 miles back to civilization. If this would have happened on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s first flight, I would have ditched the car and taken a taxi! Luckily some other great people were there to cover the action.

Above is a video of ZA003 taking off for the first time today, taken by Liz Matzelle (@ImperfectSense). This is the third Boeing 787 built, but the fourth to take the skies. ZA004 took to the skies beforehand on February 24th. ZA003 is being used to test the interiors,which I was able to tour of back in early February.

If seeing a Dreamliner taking off wasn’t enough, the second Boeing 747-8 also took the sky today after a few delays. The first 747-8 took flight on February 8th. I am currently trying to track down any video or photos taken of the flight, but I did find a photo from Kevin (@TxAgFlyer) showing RC22 waiting to fly.

Boeing recently announced before today’s flight, the Boeing 747-8 has completed 13 flights and 33 hours of flight time. The tests are going as planned — which is a good thing. Five pilots have flown the airplane taking it up to 30,000 feet and up to Mach .65. Boeing has completed initial stall tests and other dynamic maneuvers, and performed an extensive checkout of systems on the airplane. They are hoping to get the third Boeing 747-8 in the sky soon.

Additional Information:
* Photos from ZA003 first flight from @ImperfectSense
* Randy Tinseth, vice president, marketing for Boeing , blog on having four Boeing 787’s airborne

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What comes up, must come down. After being in the air, flying over the Olympic Peninsula and heading over towards Mount Rainier, the Boeing 747-8 landed at Paine Field in Everett, WA a little after 4:15pm today. The day started foggy and we weren’t sure if she would take off, but it turned into an amazingly sunny and clear day. I would imagine Boeing got some wonderful pictures of the 747-8 flying today. Hopefully they will share soon.


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The day started out pretty foggy today and the first flight of the Boeing 747-8 was delayed for a few hours. It was well worth the wait, because when she took the air, the sun was out and the sky was blue. The Boeing 747-8 was surprisingly quiet on take off and the chase planes made much more noise.

The Boeing 747-8 is scheduled to be in the air until 4:22pm, when it will land back at Paine Field (and I will be there to take video/pictures).


Other good stuff from today (will be adding as more posts through out the day):
* Video of the Boeing 747-8 take off from KING5
* Video from the sky of the take off from KIRO7
* Keep up with all the details from Flight Blogger
* Video from the Future of Flight
* Photo gallery of the Boeing 747-8 from Seattle Times
* Pictures from the morning and take off from @TxAgFlyer
* Awesome close up photos from NYC Aviation

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