Boeing lined up one of each of their airliner models at Boeing Field. Photo by Boeing.
The other day I had an interesting conversation with @JetCityStar via Twitter about aircraft and museums. It turned into us asking each other if we could have one type of each aircraft Boeing made, which ones would we want. Yes, we are both airline nerds and proud of it.
Although the conversation is a bit on the nerdier side, I felt the conversation was worthy of a larger audience and was interested in what other people thought about which aircraft best represented a certain type. So I put the question to you. If you were a museum and could one of each Boeing airliner made, which would you choose?
Please put your answers in the comments. Here are mine:
Boeing 707: Test aircraft that Tex Johnson did a barrel roll in.
Boeing 717: Eh.
Boeing 727: Very first Boeing 727-100 made (which is being restored at Museum of Flight)
Boeing 737: Don’t ask me why, but I would really want a USAir 737-200.
Boeing 747: First Boeing 747 that was delivered to Pan Am. I just love the Pan Am livery on the 747, it just seems right at home.
Boeing 757: Probably one that was for the Vice President.
Boeing 767: The Spirit of Delta, which is housed in Atlanta.
Boeing 777: I am not even sure.
Boeing 787: ZA001 in her livery. Entering a new era or airliner.

Allegiant's Boeing 757 N902NV at Paine Field.
If you read the blog, you know I have a nice little fascination with Allegiant getting Boeing 757s. From the first announcement, to getting some of the first photos the Boeing 757 in Allegiant livery, to photos of the 757s in the new, new livery and their ETOPS delay.
Dan Webb on his blog, Things in the Sky, has a great update on Allegiant’s 757s. It looks like Allegiant will be pushing back additional purchases of used Boeing 757s and leasing others. They will only be flying one domestically to gain the experience to get ETOPS certified to fly to Hawaii. Allegiant tells me they will be flying N902NV which is currently housed at ATS at Paine Field.

Allegiant Air Boeing 757 N902NV outside ATS at Paine Field in Everett, WA on Sunday.
I know, I know, I have posted a lot of blogs not only on Allegiant’s new Boeing 757’s, but also their semi-new livery. What can I say, I love new liveries and new airplane types. Put them together and I can’t resist.
While driving around Paine Field on Sunday, there was a nice treat sitting outside of ATS in Everett: N902NV. Although I was aware that N902NV was at ATS, I haven’t seen her in person. Previously I wondered if Allegiant’s semi-new livery would look better in person than in photos and I think it does.
Taking a look at this close up photo of the door, you can see there is no interior trim on the door and what looks like wires hanging down from the inside. I assume that the interior has not yet been completed and work should continue at ATS. N901NV, the other Boeing 757, is stationed at Flightstar Aircraft Services in Jacksonville, FL. I followed up with Allegiant again to see if there was any news on these Boeing 757’s and at this time they are still staying silent.
On top of seeing their new aircraft, Allegiant also announced last week that if you don’t pay for an assigned seat, you will end up having Southwest-style open seating. This will be the new order for boarding:
* Priority Boarding for those that pay $9.99 extra per leg on top of seat assignment fee
* Pre-boards
* General Boarding – those who purchased seat assignments for $6.99 or $9.99
* Families with children under 7
* Everyone else, in order of check in
If a passenger does not board during their specified boarding time, they forfeit their seat assignment. Now, that would be frustrating for a family of 3 that dropped $30 to sit together.
I will be taking my first flight on Allegiant next month from Bellingham to Las Vegas. I have heard you can purchase Allegiant MD-80 models on board the aircraft, you better believe I will be getting one of my own.
On Allegiant’s SEC presentation they state under a plan to amend the 757 fleet and Hawaii program:
* Operate 757 in domestic mainland, non-ETOPS flying (ETOPS is needed to fly over 60min away from an airport)
* After several months of operational experience, apply for ETOPS
* Target ETOPS approval in 2012
Interesting. Allegiant has confirmed with me that the Boeing 757’s will start flying in mid-2011, but there was no talk about pushing flights to Hawaii to 2012. Is Allegiant just having issues with getting ETOPS certification or does the FAA want Allegiant to get some experience flying the Boeing 757 domestically over land before having them ETOPS certified. I am not sure now, but hoping to find out. Thanks to Dan Webb for finding this.
I know three blogs in a row talking about airline livery, but I have been getting near livery-related stuff. I have been following Allegiant’s livery on their new Boeing 757’s since I got a photo of just their winglet. Then I got the mother load with some full shots of N901NV 757 in fully livery. Now Allegiant has released official shots of their N902NV Boeing 757 and there are some differences from N901NV — can you see them? (click images for full version)
One of Allegiant’s new Boeing 757’s with a livery update (N902NV)
One of Allegiant’s new Boeing 757’s with a livery update (N902NV)
The obvious is the addition of their tag-line, “Travel is Our Deal.” They also reversed the gradient on the tail to start with yellow in the middle and moving out to orange. It makes sense to match their logo with orange on the outside, but I think I might have liked the tail better with the yellow. Either way, it still looks slick and I will wait until I see it in person before making the final judgment.
Allegiant confirmed they will be re-painting N901NV and the rest of their MD-80 fleet with this new livery. They are still keeping silent on when and where the new Boeing 757’s will be used. With the new look and tag-line comes a new direction for Allegiant. They now guarantee their air and hotel package pricing. If you find a lower price, your next flight to that destination will be free. Also, if you purchase an air and hotel package, you will get $20 instant savings on your airfare. Not too shabby.
What are your thoughts on the new livery?

British Airways Boeing 757-200 (G-CPET) in retro Negus & Negus colors. Click for larger.
For me, liveries seem to always look better on a Boeing 757. What better combination of a nice retro livery on a Boeing 757. Unfortunately, this livery is to commemorate the wonderful service the Boeing 757 has given British Airways, since they plan on retiring them shortly.
British Airways has received their second new Boeing 777-300ER and plan to use the additional ones on order to replace the Boeing 757 by the end of the month.
The airline was the global launch customer when the first Boeing 757 took to the skies in 1983 and grew to a fleet that was 54 strong. The aircraft became a familiar sight to customers on British Airways’ shorthaul and domestic network. Three now remain, all of which entered service in 1997.
One of them, G-CPET, has been painted in the origional livery the Boeing 757’s flew in 1983, the “Negus & Negus” livery. So where did the livery get that name? British Airways told me it came from the design house that worked on the livery.
The remaining 757’s will be sold for cargo use, so they will at least still be flying for quite some time!
More please:
* 99 Photos of G-CPET during its life on Airliners.net
* Video of the airplane landing with retro livery
* Photo of the Lockheed L1011 in the Negus & Negus livery (which is my favorite combo with British Airways)