AirTran Boeing 717-2BD at Atlanta at dusk
What do you want on every AirTran flight you are on? That is a question that — surprise, surprise — AirTran is asking people. They have created a nifty site EveryFlight.com and allows you to give not only suggestions, but also rate those suggestions.
Some of my personal favorites that answer the question “I want __________________ on every AirTran flight”:
– Chuck Norris
– Your Mom
– Salsa Lessons
– Optimus Prime
– Strobe Lights
– Helper Monkeys
– More cowbell
– Fondue
– Clowns
– Slip N Slide
– Pony Rides
Man, I couldn’t even make some of these up if I tried. To see more, sign up for a free seat on every flight or submit your own, check out the website!
Image: James Willamor

Cargo Door open on jetBlue A320
A cargo handler working for JetBlue decided to take a little nap at a bad time. He fell asleep in the planes cargo bin and didn’t realize what was going on until in the air. Lucky for him, the cargo hold was heated which allowed him to live to tell his tale.
He took the short flight from New York to Boston and after be determined it was all an honest mistake, he was allowed to return to New York. No word if he will be one of many people newly unemployed.

Man with pigeons in his pants
What silly things people will try to get on flights. While traveling to the Middle East there are all sorts of fun things people can pick up. One man tried to smuggle two pigeons — in his pants!
The 23-yr old traveler raised suspicions by having two eggs in a container. After a full search they found two pigeons — in his pants!
Even though smuggling of wildlife can carry at $70,000.00+ fine and 10 years in jail, but I would imagine that to be a bit much in this case.
The odd thing (well I guess a few odd things in this one) is they weren’t even endangered.
Source: AP Image: AP

A dog chasing birds
One of the biggest enemies for a large jet airliner is still a bird. Birds can get sucked into an engine and especially during a crucial time like take off can cause a lot of havoc. According to the FAA from 1990 to 2007 there have been about 80,000 bird strikes, 11 people have died from the result of bird strikes, and bird strikes have cost almost $300 million in damages.
There have been many different methods used to get rid of flocks of birds around airports (sounds, sprays, killing, etc), but Southwest Florida International Airport is one of 20 airports trying something a little different: using a dog to keep the birds in line.
Thanks Kate for the tip!
Source: USA Today Image: Mark Beaudin via USA Today