On Sunday I was looking at FlightAware and noticed that the Boeing 787 Dreamliner ZA001 (the first one) was set to make a visit to Paine Field. Since I live close by, I decided to go check it out and caught it doing a low fly over. The video isn’t the best since I was trying to video and take pictures on my iPhone (bad idea), but it works.
The first Supertanker was a Boeing 747-200 (see in the video above – N470EV) that was been modified to fight fires. Currently Evergreen uses a Boeing 747-100 (N479EV). It can hold 24,000 gallons of water or fire retardant. The Supertanker fought its first fire in the US on August 31, 2009 at the Oak Glen Fire. The aircraft is housed at McClellan Field outside of Sacramento, CA and is ready to go at any time.
“The 787 Dreamliner poked through the clouds outside London just before 9 am on Sunday. Instead of landing though, the all-new jet flew by and wagged its wings, the aviation equivalent of ‘how do you do.’
With cameras and cell phones pointed skyward for more, Captains Mike Bryan and Ted Grady circled back for a proper landing at the 2010 Farnborough International Air Show.”
This is exciting, since it was the first international flight of the Boeing 787. Boeing flew ZA003 which has the partial cabin set up to show off to airlines and the media.
This classic 1958 video sells Pan Am’s new jet service. Does this make you think about the “good old days?” Well think how much those tickets cost and I bet a new Boeing 737 or Airbus A320 is more comfortable. Plus there was no Wi-Fi back then!
The Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner has been flying for quite some time now and Boeing is excited to have finalized the configuration for the Boeing 787-9. The 787-9 is 20 feel longer, which might seem easy, but takes a lot of additional changes. To learn more, check out the video and Boeing’s website.